what is the meaning of a non built in route shown in red font in surveyor


New member
As I was battling with an invisible bogey ([FONT=arial, sans-serif]<kuid:-25:622>) in Trainz 2009, I decided to try use my copy of TS12 instead. The bogey problem is solved in TS 12 and all and DLS content is now showing up in the game as expected. So now I would like to bring my routes across from Trainz 2009. As I understand that there are issues with this, I have up till now shyed away from TS12.

So I have imported all of my 2009 content into TS12, but when I use surveyor in TS12, I cannot see my routes from 2009. Only when I load a built-in route in Surveyor and select 'merge' do I see my 2009 routes but in RED font. I merge my route with built-in route, but keep them apart to delete the built-in route once I get mine working. I get to place a loco on my new old 2009 route and drive it in quickdrive in surveyor TS12. I then save the new merged route under a new name and exit Surveyor. If I try to to then reload the route that I have just saved, it does not appear in the routes that are loadable.

So I am back to where I started. Stay with 2009, and do not bother with some DLS content due to the invisible bogey [/FONT]<kuid:-25:622> that pops up from time to time, thereby denying me of some content that I would like, or forgot about what I have created in the past and start again with TS12.

Does anybody have any pointers here? or should I just stay with Trainz 2009 World Builder?
So I have imported all of my 2009 content into TS12, but when I use surveyor in TS12, I cannot see my routes from 2009. Only when I load a built-in route in Surveyor and select 'merge' do I see my 2009 routes but in RED font. I merge my route with built-in route, but keep them apart to delete the built-in route once I get mine working. I get to place a loco on my new old 2009 route and drive it in quickdrive in surveyor TS12. I then save the new merged route under a new name and exit Surveyor. If I try to to then reload the route that I have just saved, it does not appear in the routes that are loadable.

On the routes menu, there should be a yellow star. Click on it and it should turn grey. This will disable Favourite Content and show all the routes. There will also be a tick-box in Main Menu --> Options. It is called 'Show only favourite content' and should be un-ticked as well.

Do you have access to any kind of instant-messaging service, such as Skype? I would gladly be able to provide you with instant assistance via Skype if you wish. :)

Thanks Kieran, I am not too computer literate, so no skype. Thanks for the offer though. I did however find a solution here.. http://trainz.shaneturner.co.uk/tutorials/index.php/en/home/tutorials/merging-tutorial

I have my old route now running in TS12 yay! :)

I do have a question though, and I should probably start a new thread, but I have no sound in Surveyor mode in TS12 as I have in 2009, but if I press Ctrl + Alt + del and return to the task manager, then return to Trainz 12 the sound comes back in Surveyor, but then the usual camera/compass position doesnt work as it should?? Also if I do a quick drive in Suryeor, the sound returns but if I exit quickdrive the sound in surveyor stays on until I exit the game. If I then reload the game and Surveyor and the route/session, there is no sound again. Is this a known bug? (sorry still very much a noob,but appreciate your help) thank you!
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