western end of the Boston and albany

State line tunnel, I remember going through there on my way to research the Berskshire part one.

Very well done!
Nice! Just as a suggestion: use more Autumn-like textures in the forests and if you use tree groups on hills; make sure some trees arn't floating. Very nice! -Chris
that would be cool if we did. I wanted to do from state line to chester, however, I dont get out that much anymore. I recently brought a copy of "Conrails Boston and Albany Mainline-in the Eyes of a Conductor" that helps out emensly. I dont use DEM or HOG. one request thought, if any body could help, how do you install YAK PAK or even get it to work in the game? and to all who is watching this thred, no new up dates as of yet
I should have and up date by the end of the weekend-

UPDATE-Western end of B&A

Hello folks-

Im right on schedule, I will probly get CP-171 finished tonight. (track work only). Has any one hurd an update on Zintac's (I belive thats the creater) of the the Tri-Light's that he has been working on? If any updates that would be greatly appreciated.

@ Immobiliare: I got the movie from a the train show at West Springfield Ma, from the Amerhest Railroad show. I also belive that the same company film'd the line back in the early days of steam and early PC, I dont recall what he company is however- mabey Highball Productions?:confused: :o
Last I heard (although I've been off and on here) is that they looked great - he even did some that fit 100% on this line from a few photos at the Framingham yards I found. That said, the last I heard was before these forums were re-done and that was months ago... I'm not even sure the thread is on here??

PS: Make me a copy of that video :)
to all who is watching-

I started texturing from CP-171 lastnight. Did about 2 hrs of work not very much. I will texture from 171 to the tunnel. I hope to have that complete at the earlyist by thursday or friday. After that, I will attempt to lay track form 171 to 184ish.
I will Update soon

to all who is watching-

I started texturing from CP-171 lastnight. Did about 2 hrs of work not very much. I will texture from 171 to the tunnel. I hope to have that complete at the earlyist by thursday or friday. After that, I will attempt to lay track form 171 to 184ish.
I will Update soon


That is quite a feat - keep it up!
Hello All,

Glad to hear work on the CSX line at the state line is going well, Chris. Also glad to hear from Immobiliare and that work from Boston also proceeding. I have complete the CSX line from just West of Pittsfield all the way East to Palmer. Presently I am working on the segment from Palmer to Worcester. It would be quite a feat to merge all these routes together connecting the CSX mainline from Boston all the way to Selkirk. Looking forward to more screen shots.
