Weirdness in my Content Manager


New member
EVERY ASSET in my TS12 Content Manager v3.7 shows "View dependencies" grayed-out and therefore un-selectable. I am trying to find out why I have multiple assets, mainly ground textures, missing on my downloaded American Intermodal route. The JR helpdesk dude asked me to right-click in the route and select "View dependencies" but I can't. Then I looked at other assets and discovered that EVERT ASSET is that way. I am currently running a EDR on the 341,448 assets in CM.

Anyone have any idea what is going on??


P.S. EDR did NOT correct. HELP!
Did you check only installed content and not all content? If you clicked all content, you may be viewing stuff on the DLS and not what's installed.

It could also be a server problem and CM can't contact the DLS to retrieve information on the dependencies.

Can you run the network diagnostics just to rule out that? It's under the file menu where you found the database repair.

I have stopped using TS12 SP1 until all the messing around has been completed.
It's just not worth the trouble. Until then i'll stick with 49922.

View Dependencies is working on my CM (TS12 SP1 HF4) for all installed and built in assets. It is greyed out for all assets on the DLS but I am not sure if that is normal or not - I have never attempted to view the dependencies, nor check for errors and warnings, on any assets that are not already installed on my system.
View Dependencies is working on my CM (TS12 SP1 HF4) for all installed and built in assets. It is greyed out for all assets on the DLS but I am not sure if that is normal or not - I have never attempted to view the dependencies, nor check for errors and warnings, on any assets that are not already installed on my system.

I have just confirmed this. You cannot see the dependencies of assets that are on the DLS only.

This has nothing to do with the version of TS12, being 49922 or 61388.

If an asset shows as "Modified" under my "Installed" tab, does that mean that SOMEHOW that has been modified by me?? A few of the assets that appear to be missing are some of the downloaded items from American Intermodal that have been "modified" yesterday or today. Should I "revert" them? What does revert actually do?
If an asset shows as "Modified" under my "Installed" tab, does that mean that SOMEHOW that has been modified by me?? A few of the assets that appear to be missing are some of the downloaded items from American Intermodal that have been "modified" yesterday or today. Should I "revert" them? What does revert actually do?

Try reverting them. Revert goes to the original folder and recopies the contents over the asset that has been modified. Modified means they've been 'altered' somehow locally either by you or through downloading and overwriting.

If you are showing any missing dependencies, check for any items that are open for edit. This will also cause the same problem you had originally.

I seem to have something going on with my Trainz programs: I have 2 installs. Both are TS12, one is Build 49922 (I think, straight from the disc) and the other is 61388. The older version will not load now, all of a sudden. I forget what the error reads and the later is acting weird all of a sudden. I recently moved my desk top from one room to another and blew out the dust with canned air, that is all. Lately 61388 seems to "not respond" quite often. Trainz seems to be the only program acting up: FSX and Ship Simulator Extreme load and work fine. Go figure. I plan on checking all internal plugs/connections and reinstalling TS12 again: 2 installs again and patching up one. Let's see what happens.

Any recommendations or advice would be appreciated, John.

Modified means they've been 'altered' somehow locally either by you or through downloading and overwriting.

And also caused by importing cdp's from third party sites or importing cdp's from the DLS black / white pages instead of downloading them in Content Manager or also caused by importing from old saved or backed up local and original folders.

Import = converts to locally modified and suppressed warnings become live and possibly errors. In this case reverting won't help, either fix or delete and download, where possible a warning suppressed copy with Content manager.
There are 2 kinds of the revert function:
1. revert to original - for locally modified object. Restores the original (from original folder) or builtin version of the object.
2. revert - for objects, which are open for edit. Removes the object from the editing folder and restores the previous state of the object.

So, has the original issue been resolved? My CM still has "View dependencies" greyed out on EVERYTHING in my installed tab. Including the 3 routes I built.
So, has the original issue been resolved? My CM still has "View dependencies" greyed out on EVERYTHING in my installed tab. Including the 3 routes I built.

Mine are still ALL grayed out. I just completed another install and patch up to build 61388 (this is my third one). I am in the process of transferring ONLY the routes and assets I am really wanting to work with. Not sure what else could be done. I hope you get yours sorted out.
Has there been any announcement on when the original issue here will be resolved??? My CM still has "View dependencies" greyed out on EVERYTHING in my installed tab. Including the 3 routes I built.

Thank you

this has been the case with ALL my content,and anything from the download station,,,,,for several months, I just gave, up,,since im using TANE mostly, I did a search and this occurred in the past but I found no solution,,now that has been brought up again,,I will try some of the solutions suggested above,and check back if I have any success, thanks,,with the greyed out situation with dependencies, that is

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