Waht does "excursion" train mean to you?


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To me, it means passenger service for amusement purposes and not needful serious transportation. In America, it conjures images of vintage railroad equipment and vintage uniforms worn by train crews. It puts visions in my mind of steam locomotives, F7's, E9's and Geeps. It makes me think of Pullman heavyweight coaches and old Pullman or Budd corrugated stainless steel cars.
@JonMyrlennBailey >

Shortline ng tourist lines like The Portland Zoo Train, which runs from the PDX Zoo over the West Hills mountains into Washington Park, The Portland Rose Gardens, and the Japanese Gardens, overlooking the city of Portland.

Steep NG lines that run up mountains to scenic views, often including cog assist for the really steep grades. i.e., The Brienz Rothorn Bahn in Switzerland

Historic lines in the U.S. and elsewhere. Skagway Alaska, White Pass Scenic Excursion

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Tourist lines aren't the only railroads that provide excursion trains. Norfolk Southern runs NKP 765, Union Pacific has their Big Boy and other UP trains that run over particular parts of their routes. Some short lines supplement their income, such as the Reading Blue Mountain and Northern for instance, with tourist trains in the summer and for special occasions, in addition to running their freight operations.