virus help!!!!!


gettin bored of trainz
ok my pc has a virus right ..and im going re-install window xp.i backed up my train2006/and TC to my slave hardrive.all of my content that downloaded has been with. if i start trainz on my new windows will all of my content that i downloaded be in trainz in my slave hard drive and will train2006/and TC run?
I know you're not going to like to hear this but, it is possible that you have also transferred that virus to your slave drive and will encounter it again after you re-install XP. Sorry...:(
I suggest you try your best to kill it rather then copy it around from one drive to another or onto a CD then back to your hard drive again. You will never get rid of it that way.
You may need to search the net for any and all info about it from another PC if you can't use yours.

Hope this helped...:)
ok but even if i put train2006/and TC on my slave all of the i content downloaded can I still use them and the maps i created?
I believe there are other files you'll need also but I'm not sure just which ones they are to make everything work again when copying assets over. I've read it here on the forums but haven't needed it... yet, myself. Sorry...:(
Yoy don't copy the hold trs6 only the local folder you nead to copy, rest you can delete and use contentmanager to instal them again after yu install the game again
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Yoy don't copy the hold trs6 only the local folder you nead to copy, rest you can delete and use contentmanager to instal them again after yu install the game again
ok but will the CMP still be able to read the asset.and THX for this comment:)

8) ...boy, the mere fact you posted, suggests you don't have a threat...

What Internet virus program are you running?

Why do you wish to go to such drastic efforts? Do you have missing Folders?

Any payware Internet Security program, should have quarantined the virus, disarmed or otherwise put it in proper view.

If you post on this web page, you cannot be passing a need to do your homework!

What is the problem you are experiencing?

All your requesting, is how to back up your files, which should be already done!

Most computer problems, are driver failures.

Any threat on the World Wide Web, usually is experienced by a league of users, and a solution is available within hours.
8) ...boy, the mere fact you posted, suggests you don't have a threat...

What Internet virus program are you running?

Why do you wish to go to such drastic efforts? Do you have missing Folders?

Any payware Internet Security program, should have quarantined the virus, disarmed or otherwise put it in proper view.

If you post on this web page, you cannot be passing a need to do your homework!

What is the problem you are experiencing?

All your requesting, is how to back up your files, which should be already done!

Most computer problems, are driver failures.

Any threat on the World Wide Web, usually is experienced by a league of users, and a solution is available within hours.
the virus makes me listen to the radio with out letting me do it.and the problem is i dont even have a radio in my PC!!im not even coennected to the internet!!!!:sleep:reinstalling windows.and PLS answer will i still be able to play downloaded content and the maps created??:oand someimts my PC slows down alot
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8) Can you identify the virus, by URL?

I mean, has your Internet Security Software, given a
What makes you think it's a virus? Unless something has reported it as such then maybe it's something else such as adware.

If you haven't already done so, do a full virus, adware and rootkit scan. If you need software to do that, Grisoft/AVG have free versions of all three which are well regarded but there are many other products available.

You may be lucky and that software will remove the problem without you needing to do anything with Trainz.

HTH, John
PLS guys just answer this question will the content that i created and downloaded be available on my slave?
the virus makes me listen to the radio with out letting me do it.and the problem is i dont even have a radio in my PC!!im not even coennected to the internet!!!!:sleep:reinstalling windows.and PLS answer will i still be able to play downloaded content and the maps created??:oand someimts my PC slows down alot

Everybody here is trying to convince you that in all probability you do not have a virus. If you are not connected to the Internet, how did you get this virus.

First point. A virus cannot make you listen to the radio. Do you mean that you seem to be receiving a radio signal which you can hear on your computer? If this is the case, re-installing everything is unlikely to help. Are you using a laptop or connected to one, that could be the source of your radio signal.

Before you do something drastic, think back, what did you install recently. Are you using a wireless keyboard or mouse? Do you have a wireless network? Disconnect everything you can and see if you still get the sound. Even if you are not connected to the Internet, is there a phone line into your computer? You mention a slave computer, presumably you are connected to that, your connecting cable could be picking up a signal.

By the way, you style yourself as a 'Trainz Veteran', as such you should know the answer to your question.



Check all this first.
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Everybody here is trying to convince you that in all probability you do not have a virus. If you are not connected to the Internet, how did you get this virus.

First point. A virus cannot make you listen to the radio. Do you mean that you seem to be receiving a radio signal which you can hear on your computer? If this is the case, re-installing everything is unlikely to help. Are you using a laptop or connected to one, that could be the source of your radio signal.

Before you do something drastic, think back, what did you install recently. Are you using a wireless keyboard or mouse? Do you have a wireless network? Disconnect everything you can and see if you still get the sound. Even if you are not connected to the Internet, is there a phone line into your computer? You mention a slave computer, presumably you are connected to that, your connecting cable could be picking up a signal.

By the way, you style yourself as a 'Trainz Veteran', as such you should know the answer to your question.



Check all this first.
im a vetran at trainz not virusus:hehe: any ways agien will i still be able to use content that i downloaded and created in my slave?
It is a bit like talking to a post.

will i still be able to use content that i downloaded and created in my slave?

If you install Windows and Trainz correctly on your new machine or your slave and it is suitable for such a use, you will be able to use the content you have downloaded and created.

There you are, the answer to your question.

an other thing is it disabeld my task massenger.i didnt even disable it i dont even now how to!!
Lets all slow down for a moment, there are two separate problems here.

Computer operating slow, this could be a number of things, most likely not a virii as they tend to try and remain hidden until they spread then do their damage.

Hearing a radio station, this is likely to be caused by insufficient noise supression/rejection by your sound card, what happens is your speaker wires act as antenna and the signal goes into your sound card where it is modulated, amplified and sent out to your speakers (and/or your speaker amplifier if its separate).
Cure, use shielded speaker wires, if this is not an option try cutting the wires as short as practical, even just moving them around a bit may work.

Have a read here,

Sorry for the long link but its a google cached page.

Cheers David
NYCboy said:
The virus makes me listen to the radio without letting me do it. The problem is I don't have a radio in my computer! I'm not connected to the internet! Reinstalling windows? Please [not PLS] answer will I still be able to download content and the maps created? Sometimes y computer slows down alot.
Everybody here is trying to convince you that in all probability you do not have a virus. If you are not connected to the Internet, how did you get this virus.
Better still, if he's not connected to the internet, how did he make this thread? Secondly, IF anyone thinks they have a virus, why are they using their computer?
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NYCboy, What's the name of the anti-virus program that you're using on your computer? For example, Norton Anti-Virus. Does the anti-virus program come on a CD-ROM or did you download the program? If the anti-virus program came on a CD-ROM, put the disk in the drive, restart Windows, and watch the screen for any messages. If you see a message asking you to press a key to run the anti-virus program from the CD-ROM, press that key right away. Run the program and let it do a full scan for viruses. This may take a few hours. After the full scan, the program should display messages saying that it found viruses and what did the program do with them. If the program says that the virus infected program files, you have no choice but to do clean installation of Windows, device drivers, and programs. You can copy the files under the "Auran\Trainz\local" or "Auran\TC\local" folder to another hard disk. After reinstalling Windows, device drivers, and programs, run CMP and let it import files from the other hard disk. It is possible that the virus infected the files on the other hard disk. If you don't know how to do these instructions, find someone to help you do these instructions.
Better still, if he's not connected to the internet, how did he make this thread? Secondly, IF anyone thinks they have a virus, why are they using their computer?
i was saying that even when i pull the internet out i still listen to it
NYCboy, What's the name of the anti-virus program that you're using on your computer? For example, Norton Anti-Virus. Does the anti-virus program come on a CD-ROM or did you download the program? If the anti-virus program came on a CD-ROM, put the disk in the drive, restart Windows, and watch the screen for any messages. If you see a message asking you to press a key to run the anti-virus program from the CD-ROM, press that key right away. Run the program and let it do a full scan for viruses. This may take a few hours. After the full scan, the program should display messages saying that it found viruses and what did the program do with them. If the program says that the virus infected program files, you have no choice but to do clean installation of Windows, device drivers, and programs. You can copy the files under the "Auran\Trainz\local" or "Auran\TC\local" folder to another hard disk. After reinstalling Windows, device drivers, and programs, run CMP and let it import files from the other hard disk. It is possible that the virus infected the files on the other hard disk. If you don't know how to do these instructions, find someone to help you do these instructions.
yes i got norton anti-virus.i did a full system scan it did not find anything:( thats why im worried