they do work in 2006 also, you just have to take note of where they are installing to. generally they will either install to your trainz/world/custom directory or to C:/world/custom (it'll make the folders) then in 2006 you have to go to where ever they are located and install them as content (not cdp).
as for differences in teh two programs. 2006 in many ways is (i think) far supperior to UTC. The magor changes in 2006 form UTC are:
Interactive industries
Interactive Stations
Content Manager Plus (the Idea is good atleast, some have had trouble with it)
free-roaming camera in driver moad
the ability to place trains/consists on the track while in surveyor mode.
Major changes are: 2006 supports interactive loads (including passengers). It also supports a scripting language that allows more complex effects. Finally, 2006 comes with some additional utilities for managing and creating content.
There's a nice overview of all the Tranz releases here:
As to TRS2007 being just for France that is to change, I think on the 26th of this month it is to be released in Germany, aside from that it has SP1 installed it will also have some extra German content that is mostly from the DLS. It will, I presume, be sold alongside the still manufactured ProTrain Perfect (PTP it is normally called) which is a licensed copy of TRS2006 but in German (TRS2007 will also be in German), published by Blue Sky Interactive. From what I have been able to find there has been an ongoing feud between Auran and BSI, being that BSI has stated that TRS2007 is "unwelcome competition", in turn in the PTP forums any discussions of TRS2007 have been banned. On the German section of the Auran forums (I don't know if it is forum wide) discussions directly about PTP (having trouble with service pack 2940-2970) have also been banned. Another reason I think is because BSI has put a version check on all their addons from PTP3 (route Stuttgart-Muenchen), this way users of TRS2006 with SP1 cannot install PTP3 on TRS2006. I have however heard multiple reports of PTP3 working on TRS2006 without SP1. Their future for the moment I do not know, I think they will probably continue making addons at least as next month they will release PTP4 (ICE route Muenchen-Nuernberg). Just wanted to clear it all up.
P.S. If you are interested here is the website for ProTrain Perfect and here are their forums.
I purchsed the PTP3 add-on. The sessions are useless because theLZB function does not work and any loco with this facility don't go anywhere and the program freezes. The only thing that I can do is run other tarins on the route which is fine. Wished I had known about the problem beforehand as I probably would not have purchsed the third add on. I actually wrote to BSI and the answer was that I should have read about it in the German forum. Too bad I don't speak German. Warning to any prospective purchasers. The add on apparently functions without SP1 .
Well there is always just doing what I do, buy PTP itself so the addons do work (and they do I find) and learn some German. However for the version check thing I am currently doing some evil mad scientist style experimentation to circumvent it, spam to follow.
I have bought a German Translation book, I am serious. Wileecoyote, do you know whether the new PTP 4 add on will not work on TrS2006 with SP1? It would be appreciated if you could perhaps advise.
As PTP3 doesn't work with TRS2006+SP1 I doubt that PTP4 will be any different, when it does come out (late May I think) I can easily advise on this but now it is little more than a basic assumption.