My MBPro 2011's graphics car isn't good enough to run T:ANE. With a new Mac out of the question, I'm considering upgrading the graphics card and it seems that by chance my machine - a Late-2011 model - is in the small group of post-PowerPC/Pre-2013 models which can receive an upgrade to the graphics card, albeit with limited options.
Has anyone on the forum tried doing this? My current graphics card is an Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB - I understand for T:ANE it needs to be at least 1GB. Is there a viable and cost-effective replacement card that I can use?
If anyone can possibly help in this regard, I'd really appreciate it. If I try ask this on the official Apple Forums, they'll shut the topic down because they don't like the idea of unofficial upgrading!
Thanks so much
Has anyone on the forum tried doing this? My current graphics card is an Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB - I understand for T:ANE it needs to be at least 1GB. Is there a viable and cost-effective replacement card that I can use?
If anyone can possibly help in this regard, I'd really appreciate it. If I try ask this on the official Apple Forums, they'll shut the topic down because they don't like the idea of unofficial upgrading!
Thanks so much