Updating Database Freezing


New member
I purchased a Digital Download of Trainz 2010: EE yesterday from the Auran website and did the install and it seemed everything was good and proper. Upon starting the game it does the whole "Updating Trainz Assets Database" and it freezes at this point requiring the Task Manager to close out the program. I even let it run overnight and it was still frozen on updating database this morning. What's going on? Do I need to patch this or what?
We could do with knowing:

1.Your system specs (including Operating System)
2.Your TS2010 build number,

Once this information is supplied, someone will be able to advise further.

Slow database performance...


the content (textures, sound, etc) used within Trainz is stored in a database of 160,000 entries. Though Auran had a good idea to use a database for performance in storage read and write, versus the registry of windows, the specfic one they used is not known by me but whichever one they use doesn't seem to have many indexes.

On other databases that IT infrastructures use for storage, we have indexes to help performance on the database, whether microsoft sql, mssql, or postgresql. Without indexes, the system would have to look through EACH entry in the database just to find a particular one, which is what seems to be the case in the database process used by Trainz 2010: EE = TADDaemon.exe.

Our custom built system clients asked us to see which edition of a train simulator was the best and which budget system could run it at its best. For the lack of performance in the database, the spawning of textures in the distance is not that good, jittery a majority, on a Quad core Q8600, 4 GB 800 mhz ram, 4-4-4-12, and a Radeon HD 5770 1 GB. The harddrives we tried to use on budget was a caviar 10000rpm but, even using 2 Velociraptors in Raid 0 (striping) and achieving 100 MB/s throughput with them, the content manager is freezing and the usage of both TADDaemon.exe and Contentmanager.exe binaries is 50 percent on this quad core. We have benchmarked other games, like Crysis, FC2, GTA4 and never got more than 20 percent usage out of them, on Directx 10+. This is on a Windows 7 64-bit ultimate. I sense some of the performance problems may arrise with windows 7/vista kernels but I dont see much of a difference, other than stability, when running in xp compatibility mode both TADDaemon backend and ContentManager frontend.

This game would not be so resource hungry and would allow implementation of better graphics with the resource savings if the database backend was good enough.

Im sure Auran already knew this though :)

There's something wierd in the sky! I See Auran's future; I see 5 % resource usage for the database backend, on a Core 2 duo!
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I think even an Access 2010 db would be better than what they are currently using :hehe:

As for the program freezing: Maybe it's not.
When you go to Task Manager, look for a process (not a program) called TaDDaemon. If it is still running, then it is most likely that Trainz is not frozen, but is taking its good ol' time to run the database repair.

To look at what TaDDaemon is doing:
Start the launcher.
From the launcher, click Options
On the Developer tab, tick the box Show database process window
Now start Content Manager and when it starts running the database repair, look at the TaDDaemon window (there may be more than one), by opening it from your taskbar.
If TaDDaemon is still showing activity, do not shut down or close Trainz or TaDDaemon.

Although I cannot imagine the process taking overnight, it depends on what your system specs are.
I run TS2010 on a P4 3.4G single core with 3Gigs 533Mhz DDR2, and a complete extended database repair usually takes about two hours.

When you shut down Trainz, make sure that the TaDDaemon window also closes. It will take at least 1 minute for it to close. If you shut down while TaDDaemon is running, it will run another database repair next time you start.

Hope this helps

Although I cannot imagine the process taking overnight, it depends on what your system specs are.
I run TS2010 on a P4 3.4G single core with 3Gigs 533Mhz DDR2, and a complete extended database repair usually takes about two hours.

How big is your asset database? Mine's been rebuilding for the last 16 hours on a core i7-950 o-c'd at 3.2 GHz... The assets.tdx file in the cache directory keeps getting rewritten every three minutes or so... so I can only assume it's making progress in the rebuild.

edit: Finally completed after... (doing math)... nearly 20 hours.
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