UP Midwest Route (Very Large Images)


Trainz Glitch Receiver
I've been working on a fictional route for some time now. I abandoned it for a couple of years, but I imported it into TANE and decided to give it a new life. It will be called the Davis Sub, and is centered around a fictional Midwest city named Davis. Here are some initial screenshots from the couple of baseboards I currently have just to get started:

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Those are amazing screenshots. I'd love to drive that route someday, as I live in the Midwest. Kansas to be exact. I do have a question the diesels in those pics...do you remember where you got them?
Those are amazing screenshots. I'd love to drive that route someday, as I live in the Midwest. Kansas to be exact. I do have a question the diesels in those pics...do you remember where you got them?

Thanks! Glad you like it. As for the locomotives, those are payware from JointedRail.
Made some more progress. Getting to the more boring portion where it's mainly flat farmland with endless rows of corn and soybeans before we hit the mid-sized town in about 3 miles.


I know this isn't necessarily the most eye-pleasing part of the route, but here is a short UP manifest passing by a soybean field. Boring stretches like this are very necessary as the Midwest is obviously known for agriculture.
What era is this route set in? It looks like it could be good for some CNW running, maybe some ATSF too.
It will be set in the modern era, although it will definitely be modifiable!

I'm starting on a very painstaking residential neighborhood. I'm not using any splines in this neighborhood (besides roads, duh) and I am using the treadway system. It's rough for now, but the end result should *hopefully* be good.
Bringing back my earlier question: Does it run in Illinois and if so, will it run through Huntley IL and Pingree Grove IL? That is my old hometown and would like to see how it is now.
I believe he said it was fictional

On Google Earth, It looks like Huntley Il is flat as a pancake terrain :hehe:

The route looks great though !

Well to be fair, the entire Midwest is one big flat pancake topped with field after field of corn, soybeans and wheat.

Source: I live there lol
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Dave Snow's Cotton Belt to give you an idea what he was talking about, nothing but miles and miles of fields.
