Unconnected connected layouts


Senior Member
Am I the first to realize that you can have several layouts on the same layout without merging them? And that you can connect them with portals?
I expect I am not the first but has anyone taken advantage of this capability? With portals you can easlily connect layouts which is more than can be said for merging.:eek: ;)
Not that there are not drawbacks to portals but, when using them there is no problem with not being able to rotate a layout and layout altitudes are no longer a concern.
I am considering putting four layouts together this way and uploading it / them to the DLS.
Alan wrote:-
Yeah, obviously you could, but why?

I was creating a version of our local Main-line station (Reading - UK), I was more interested in one of the branch lines that the rest (have a look at the track layout - there are several branches lines terminating and through trains as well (main line London to Wales, SW England and west coast to Scotland).

I simulated the traffic on the branch lines with portals - one to consume, iportal the train to the "up" line after a suitable delay (simulate the timetable).

That worked quite well - I could also do this for the main line operations (either returning a train on the other line, or teleporting it to the start again).
Strictly, I suppose, there was one layout - it is possible to drive from any branch line to any other - but most of the time the branch line trains don't use the main line.

The alternative is to use a "loop" with a wait command - this can defeat the look of the layout.

