UK Screenshots (Hi Res Version)

Boy Hennah I have a pal who works on the platform at York station and he showed me a photo of the new NEEC livery on his mobile.Initially they will just have different namebadges on their uniforms.The whole franchising system is insanity.
Boy Hennah I have a pal who works on the platform at York station and he showed me a photo of the new NEEC livery on his mobile.Initially they will just have different namebadges on their uniforms.The whole franchising system is insanity.
Rail Express published an artist's impression of what they thought the livery would look like - I'm told they've designed a completely new colour scheme to use right across the company.

Franchising isn't the problem, as such. The Chiltern one is an example that the system can work, if put together in the right way. But there's a perception among Treasury and DfT staff that franchising's a cash cow to be milked for all it's worth. Ultimately, it's not the TOCs who are paying the premiums that the Treasury/DfT Rail are demanding - it's the passenger, through much higher fares. That said, I have heard rumblings that some of the more recent franchise winners are talking about going back on the fares increases they've had imposed on them by DfT Rail (3.4% above inflation, apparently) as part of their contracts. With the current attitude of DfT Rail, I can seriously see at least 2 more operators handing their 'keys' back - GNER style - in the next 5 years.



Any guesses why my intel laptop hates the area? Apart from being unfinished!
Is that a reggie rail 141 coach I see WEN?


the franchises will annoy me, no longer will units terminate at my local N'pton, they will revert to times gone by of Euston- NS. However at least we down here are getting some new trains for me to spot next year!
Not posted some for ages, so here's a handful (and there might be a few new reskins in there somewhere) ;)

The last batch of reskins that I did (which I released on the forum via Z-share link) are still not on the DLS, as I can't be arsed to package them up! I'll try to get them packaged them tomorrow, for those who are still waiting for them to appear on the DLS, but in the meantime I may release one of the above ones tomorrow, via Z-share link in the release section.

For those who are wondering, the above ones are a dirty unbranded Railtrack mk.2 test train coach, an ex-works branded Intercity mk.2 TSO and a WCRC "green train" mk2 TSO :)

The sky in the fifth screenie (the one with 31454 in) is one of several new UK skies that I'm working on (there will be a thread about them later) :D
Nice shots all. Just a few from me.


Alistair has just been to the pub over the road.



I don't think it would be a very good idea to insult Alastair, now that he's passed away, emo.
That wasn't an insult. It simply reflects the way Alastair's TRS alter ego drives a lot of the time. I think Alastair would've seen the funny side of that screenshot, personally.
That wasn't an insult. It simply reflects the way Alastair's TRS alter ego drives a lot of the time. I think Alastair would've seen the funny side of that screenshot, personally.

Well, sorry. Annyway, back on topic:


My new loco w/snowplough.