Tutorial 9 (dynamic brake) broken


Well-known member
This has the same issue as the same session in T:ANE SP3 and SP4. nothing drops the brake cylinder pressure. It is locked on 214. Releasing all the brakes does nothing. In T:ANE there was a workaround to hold the "Q" button to drain the pressure while getting started in motion, but this does not work on the 2019 tutorial. So it is dead before it even gets started. Again, sorry if this is a known issue, but with new customers buying in it really looks bad to have all these tutorials having issues...
Hi Forester1
Unfortunately there is an issue in this tutorial, which causes the brake cylinder pressure to become stuck. We have found a fix for this, but we do not currently have a timeframe for when this fix may become available.

In the mean time, you can bail off the brakes by pressing the 'D' key on your keyboard.

Note, this is a bug and not intended, and as such the tutorial does not mention using the 'D' key to bail off the brake cylinder pressure.