TRS19 SP5 Beta 116210 (PC) is now available


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TRS19 SP5 Beta 116009 to TRS19 SP5 Beta 116210 (PC) is now available on the TRS19 Beta and TRS19 PE Beta patch streams.

TRS19 SP5 Beta - update to come shortly (Mac)

TRS19 SP4 Problems?
We highly recommend that anyone with any issues in TRS19 SP4 (or any earlier build) to update to this build and confirm whether their issue is fixed. If it isn't then ensure you submit a bug report so that we can address the problem.


  • Driver AI fix (industries correctly recognised when pathing)
  • Fix for various session freezes (or failure to load fully)
  • Fix for 1-2 second pauses in Driver mode (machine specific)

Known issues (fixes coming in future updates):

  • Certain windows cannot be dragged or resized (e.g. Mini map, session rules etc)
  • Remove from Picklist doesn't trigger list refresh.
  • Tidewater trackwork requires updating.

Special Testing Required (Session Layer Corruption)

  • This build has a potential fix for when session layer trains have been moved to a different layer or hidden.
    This affects SnC and Mojave and most likely other DLC from that era.
    We know the fix has worked for our two test cases, but we don't know what, if any, side effects may have occurred.
    This issue could also possibly explains reports of missing session layer trains so if you have had a problem in the past, please recheck to see if that issue is resolved

Reporting any issues:
If you have had a problem in the past and it still occurs, or if you find a new issue, please submit a detailed Trainz Bug Report
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TY Tony
download, update and DBR was quick on a fresh install
For some reason it now shows Platinum Edition

I bought TRS19 euro version, and now a year on Plus to help you on TRS22
not clear why it shows Platinum now.

Reading the log, gives still many errors in the trainzchat scripts, its there forever...
please don't tell me to ignore, after 4 year it should be error free.

tried testtrack, works
tried new route, could select grid, good
left normal texture, right PBR, no drowning, good, but still so much height difference

more testing tomorrow
Quick, painless upgrade to this new build. No new faulties; maintained my settings preferences, and database integrity.
20 second initial DBR, 3 minute 20 second run to complete TrainzUtil 'prebuild' precache operation on entire database.
Slow rebuild of initial Main Menu screen, but afterwards, all my routes and sessions loaded quickly and without issue. (Seems to be faster than previous build).
Subsequent re-start displayed fully completed main menu screen in less than a couple of seconds.
Accordingly, looks very positive so far. Thanks and cheers! PC
Try open in surveyor, trainzchat or minimap, it also has the bug, that windows can't be moved
or is it just me?
Try open in surveyor, trainzchat or minimap, it also has the bug, that windows can't be moved
or is it just me?
Yup. Confirmed. Looks like Tony is aware of this now too. Thanks!
Update went very quickly.

When I checked in CM for faulty assets 28 showed up - except they are not faulty. I opened them for editing and then submitted, but they still showed as faulty. Routes using these assets ran OK with no errors.


i did an extended DBR and that fixed the issue.
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i updated to the 116210 build and lost all my routes i was working on.

No. An update does not touch you local data folder.

Most likely you just need to point your install to your old local data folder. Check the link in the Install tab in the Launcher > Trainz Settings.
Do you know the location of your local data folder prior to updating?
Is it still there?
What is the current path in your install tab?
Do the paths match?
Is there more than one folder in C:\Users\<yourPC name>\AppData\Local\N3V Games\trs19
So, in the new 116210 build I have this issue. I can't move any of the popup windows, for example the "find object" window. If I open it, driver or surveyor, I can't move it to the side, or up, or down. Same with popup messages in driver mode, they were movable before.


So, in the new 116210 build I have this issue. I can't move any of the popup windows, for example the "find object" window. If I open it, driver or surveyor, I can't move it to the side, or up, or down. Same with popup messages in driver mode, they were movable before.

<image removed>


It's a known issue in both TRS2019 and TRS22 beta.
.. the issue about merging is in 116210 the same as reported in thread trs22 : ..

.. and i don't know if it is a bug : although i have a "plus" contribution (like in trs22), launcher indicates "platinum edition" .. and there is no surveyor 2.0 .. is that correct ? ..
or do i have to upgrade with another stream to get that .. just a little confused .. want to have the 2 versions separated : full-loaded 19+ and a clean "basic" 22+ ..
thankz anyway for all the hard work to satisfy every (s)trainzer ..
have a nice day ..
.. thankz a lot swordfish .. i overlooked that one .. the answer is satisfying and i will wait for further developments ..
Session Layer Corruption

I have checked the sessions I had problems with for ECML Kings Cross – Edinburgh, Milwaukee Road Avery-Drexel and SnC,

The problem with layers appears to be fixed for the sessions I tested. All the trains are attached to the session layer. No invisible trains, no uncoupled/broken consists, no derailments when coupling.

It's been several days since the post of the announcement and there is no "New Patch Available" button on my launcher. I'm running TRS2019 PE on Windows 10 Home.