for (j=0; j < locoNameCount; j++)
trainName = locoNameList[j];
trainMenu.AddItem(trainName, me, "WaitForTriggerItem", triggerName + "¼" + trainName);
//Adds a Train to the Trainlist, when the Item is selected by
//the user, a Message is sent to the Function WaitForTrigger
//The minor part of the message contains the last parameter of
//the AddItem Function. A String containing triggername and
//trainName seperated by ¼ (which is very unlikely to be used
//in a trigger name)
triggerMenu.AddSubmenu(localisedTriggerName + " >", trainMenu); //Add the Trainslist as submenu to an
} //entry in the triggerMenu
StringTable strTable = GetAsset().GetStringTable();
menu.AddSubmenu(strTable.GetString("menu_command_name") + " >", triggerMenu); //Add the triggerMenu (including the Trains)
} //to the MainMenu
//CreateScheduleCommand - creates a New WaitForTriggerScheduleCommand and initialises it
DriverScheduleCommand CreateScheduleCommand(DriverCharacter driver, Soup soup)