Treez FAQ


Web & IT Manager
We have scoured through the forums looking for your questions on the new Treez pack and have compiled the answers to a selection of them below.


Q.1 - Do the new Treez work in native mode?
Yes, the trees and shrubs have been designed for Native Mode and will also work correctly in compatibility mode.


Q.2 - Will there be several versions of each tree, so as to prevent them becoming repetitive?

Yes, several of the tree and shrub types come with variations in size and shape. Beyond that there are seasonal variations where applicable, so the maple for example comes with variations for autumn and winter.


Q.3 - What other types of trees will be included (e.g. Pine, fir, gum, etc)?

There are several deciduous types representing many of the commonly used built-ins, such as Birch, Oak, Maple, Pagoda etc along with some evergreens and assorted tropical foliage.


Q.4 - Are the trees animated?



Q.5 - What is the performance impact of the new trees in game?

If large numbers of trees are viewed close-up, such as standing in a forest, there will be an acceptable level of performance impact on most computers. In the distance, these trees run significantly faster than the old-style “alpha blended” trees. As always, exact performance varies based on usage and computer spec.


Q.6 - Do the new trees use LOD or similar?

Yes, they make use of the latest LOD techniques to minimize resource usage.


Q.7 - Do they make use of any of the new TS2009 features (mesh libraries, stitches meshes, etc)?
All the models make use of TS2009's improved capability for hi-res, photo realistic textures and normal mapping including Mesh table LOD, DXT3 Compression and Stitched Meshes.

Q.8 - Can I use these trees as direct replacements of existing trees?


Q.9 - Why should I have to purchase the Treez when Auran changed the code to break the old style trees?
The old-style trees work correctly in compatibility mode. Native mode was built with performance and modern graphical techniques in mind, and is not compatible with the old “alpha blended” style of foliage creation.


Q.10 - Were these Treez created by the payware creator Sirgibby?


Q.11 - Were these Treez created using Speedtree?


Q.12 - What about grasses and similar, will any of these be included?

There are several bushes, shrubs and grassy smaller plants.