Trainz very jerky, and track and other objects take a long time to materialise.

Recently I've found the movement of trains is very stuttery, and that many objects, including track, take a long time to emerge. I recently took all performance ratings to the minimum and I removed all but two consists, but it made no difference.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
No HDD just two 1Tb SSDs, most of it unused.
32 Gb RAM

Is it possible to get Trainz to run smoothly?
The first run after an upgrade will be slow due to the content being cached. Once that has finished, routes and content will load up very quickly. There is one more thing to watch for, though. If this is a fresh install, ensure that PhysX is not enabled. If it is, you will see a drop in performance. It's still a known issue.
The first run after an upgrade will be slow due to the content being cached. Once that has finished, routes and content will load up very quickly. There is one more thing to watch for, though. If this is a fresh install, ensure that PhysX is not enabled. If it is, you will see a drop in performance. It's still a known issue.

For sure, this will likely help. I had PhysX on all the time, until this month. Now, it is so much smoother.
Orpheus2000 - The crucial PC component for rendering Trainz graphics is your Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).
You have not provided the spec for your GPU. Does this mean that you are relying on the relatively weak integrated GPU on the i7-9700k processor?
The T:ANE and TRS19 simulations need a grunty (typically discrete) GPU to generate smooth frame-rates and fast-rendering video 'pages'.
Even a reasonably competent CPU like yours cannot compensate for the need for the much faster parallel processing required/ produced by GPUs.
The first run after an upgrade will be slow due to the content being cached. Once that has finished, routes and content will load up very quickly. There is one more thing to watch for, though. If this is a fresh install, ensure that PhysX is not enabled. If it is, you will see a drop in performance. It's still a known issue.
This happened before and after latest patch, but I bet your advice about Physx is the one. I will check that soon.
Orpheus2000 - The crucial PC component for rendering Trainz graphics is your Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).
You have not provided the spec for your GPU. Does this mean that you are relying on the relatively weak integrated GPU on the i7-9700k processor?
The T:ANE and TRS19 simulations need a grunty (typically discrete) GPU to generate smooth frame-rates and fast-rendering video 'pages'.
Even a reasonably competent CPU like yours cannot compensate for the need for the much faster parallel processing required/ produced by GPUs.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1600 Ti
I have tried reducing all performance ratings to the minimum, but this mad the game no smoother.

I have deleted all but two consists, since I normally run this solely under AI with 40 trains running. Again, it made no difference.

I then ran a session of “Cornish Mainline and Branches” – perfectly smooth – as was a minimal route session I created from scratch.
So far, then, it seems to me that my layout has too much detail in it, although the “Cornish Mainline” is, I think, more detailed, or, and most likely, my layout is crap.
I have tried reducing all performance ratings to the minimum, but this mad the game no smoother.

I have deleted all but two consists, since I normally run this solely under AI with 40 trains running. Again, it made no difference.

I then ran a session of “Cornish Mainline and Branches” – perfectly smooth – as was a minimal route session I created from scratch.
So far, then, it seems to me that my layout has too much detail in it, although the “Cornish Mainline” is, I think, more detailed, or, and most likely, my layout is crap.

The Cornish Mainline has a lot of splines and lots of other close detail objects that bog things down a lot. There's something to try though that I think might work.

Within the settings in TRS2019 its self, not at the Launcher under performance, is the settings for tree details and draw distance, etc.

Either at the main menu, where the big selection buttons are for Driver / Surveyor, My Collection, etc., or within your route, click on the very top of your screen in the left corner. The 3-bars will show up.

Click on the 3-bars

Click on settings

Click on Video Settings.

Ensure Process Objects Behind Camera is checked

Set your draw distance to about 6000m, or 8000m

Change your Scenery Detail to High
Tree Detail to High
Post Processing to High

These are the same settings I use and I found this really, really helps with performance. They're not at the highest, although that's possible with open routes, or if there are mountains, but for routes such as the Cornish Mainline with lots of close up details it's not worth the effort work for video card to do because there's so much detail going on it's pushing your video card constantly causing lugging and stutters.

If you know how to get to the menu already, don't take offense to me putting the steps here. This is to help others who search for the same information.
With your nice system, it should work with nearly all set to ultra/high

To improve framerates(far from complete):
-turn off PhysX
-KISS keep it Simple, advanced pathfinding tools or complex crossings use up CPU power
-Check for faulty items
-Check for constant running scripts with errors
-Use less different ground textures and smaller ones (PBR tend to slow load cause of the size)
-Reuse scenery items, not every board other/unique items
-make a picklist with items that work good and try only use those in surveyor
-Put detail close to the track, further away keep it simple
-Limit yourself to only a few different tracks
-remove baseboards you will never see (its a train simulator not the complete world simulator)
-if consists are placed that you do not drive, turn Physics and pfx off for those
-Start your session at a low-impact section
-Remove unneeded drivers

enjoy Trainz
hoi Frank, I have built that feature in Set-driver-Conditions-Rule
read about it here
after adding it to a session, it can be found on the layer screen

a little behind the scenes:
a Loco is the most intensive (CPU wise) item in our route/session
for every loco (and vehicle to a lesser degree) Trainz calculates many things
at every game tick (faster than a second)
FI, where am I, what is my direction, what are my engine settings, lamps, panto etc etc
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Thanks again, John. I’ve made a note of your suggestions and I will try them later in the week.

As I said, it must be my route set up since other routes, like Cornish Mainlines, run beautifully on my PC. I bought this PC and a 27” monitor last year for the express purpose of running Trainz (I use a laptop for all other PC work), so I must work at this. I’m very grateful for the help you and everyone else have offered.


Hey G.M.

Is the physics-setting saved in the session parameters , or is it to be set every session-run again manually?

If not, perhaps a rule can make it permanent.

Thanks for your efforts.