Trainz Tuner settings disappearing?


Still Learning
Howdy All......

Question about Trainz Tuner 1.2 settings disappearing in Surveyor. I tested Trainz Tuner with the Scenery Draw Distance set at 7472 meters. I am running TRS2004 at 2365, Windows XP / Media.

I open a route, and then go to the top left to the SURVEYOR MENU.

I then select PERFORMANCE SETTINGS. At this point, the far background temporarily disappears. I click on the RED "X", the background reappears, and TRS2004 defaults back to SURVEYOR with no problems. Everything is back to normal.

I then repeat this sequence, but I make **NO** changes, and click on the GREEN check mark. TRS2004 then defaults back to Surveyor, but the far background has disappeared!!!!!

I back completely out of TRS2004. I check Trainz Tuner, and find that the Scenery Draw Distance has sat itself back to its' default of 1457 meters!!!!!!

OK folks, what did I miss? The Trainz Tuner Manual and HELP function are very short and quite clear, but there is no mention of the effect of opening the PERFORMANCE SETTINGS while in SURVEYOR. Would someone else double check this and/or tell me where I am screwing up?

Thanking everyone in advance.....:confused: :wave:
Adjusting anything in Performance Settings resets TrainzTuner to Auran defaults. Pretty sure this info used to be in the 'Help', but it doesn't appear to be in the latest version. Or perhaps it was mentioned in a thread somewhere....

Andy :)
Adjusting anything in Performance Settings resets TrainzTuner to Auran defaults. Pretty sure this info used to be in the 'Help', but it doesn't appear to be in the latest version. Or perhaps it was mentioned in a thread somewhere....

Andy :)

Thanks Andy. I sorta thought that. I guess what blew me away was when I clicked on the green arrow without making a change. It appears that clicking on the green arrow is the same as saying "I made a change", even when none was made. It looks like one must click on the RED "X" when exiting. Thanks again for the feedback.:wave: