Trainz Newsletter 22nd July 2022


Trainz Veteran
For those who don't subscribe here is a summary of the latest Trainz Newsletter that dropped into my mailbox a few minutes ago.

The next update for Trainz Plus is almost ready for external testing. This update includes
  • a new compressed file format which will reduce file space by about 50% and will give faster loading times and faster DLC downloading times. TRS22 users will also benefit from the new format.
  • a new "Content Package" palette in S20 (which is primarily to allow users to identify packages required for MPS routes, but will assist all route builders).

Support for DX12 is almost complete and it will include adding support for advanced DX12 features such as ray tracing.

Now available is a free update for the "TRS19 - Switch Model Railroad" route for Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 SP5, Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 and TrainzPlus. This update can be found in the 'updates' menu of the Content Store right now.

New Loco and rolling stock packs are now available on Preview Pass (for Gold membership)
  • QR National GE C44aci Pack Preview Pass
  • Pro Train: TGV Duplex Preview Pass
  • Pro Train: DB BR Class 85 001 PreviewPass
sounds exciting, I saw the newsletter as well this morning, and found that it should be interesting to see how the ray tracing affects not just water, but the sky, ground, but the trains and other objects.
So no more CDP?

No cdps are converted to Tzarc when installed. The tzarc size is being decreased which should enable smaller installs and faster loading and probably frame rates, cdp is not going anywhere. cdp is just an archive that contains the assets for installing.

Raytracing, well glad I got my RTX 3070Ti this could be very interesting!
DX12 is also more efficient which leads to not only better frame rates but also cooler temperatures.
I would assume it will be TRS22, TRS19 is no longer being developed other than maybe any serious bug fixes.

Great News to here about the DX12:) I had just purchased a new EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 X3 2 weeks ago foe my Trainz PC.
I have not installed it yet as I am waiting for the price match to go down some more to save some cash.
I hope it it drops another big $ chunk in the next 20 days or so.
DX12 then will support a whole new night lighting quality, and maybe better weather effects.
So excited to see the Trainz news later today!
Exciting stuff. N3V worked fast to get PBR into the game after TANE IIRC, so hopefully we can see similar for ray tracing. Point lighting and advanced skybox lighting fx would be additional goodies
I should have read this before I posted it in the suggestions boxcar! This is very exciting and hopefully this finally will make the upgrade to TRS22 actually worth it. It does mean people with GPU older then a 1060 cant use DX12 or raytracing (thankfully i have a 1060), but this is still very exciting stuff.
I read this in the newsletter, "Now available is a free update for the "TRS19 - Switch Model Railroad" route for Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 SP5, Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 and TrainzPlus. This update can be found in the 'updates' menu of the Content Store right now."Well, I looked in my build TRS19 117009 and there is nothing there.
Well, I looked in my build TRS19 117009 and there is nothing there.

Since this is an update, have you first installed the original DLC package "TRS19 - Switch Model Railroad" so it can be updated? This is listed as Payware 4.99 (I presume that is $US4.99).
Wow, exciting things ahead by the sounds of it in the newsletter! Sure am looking forward to seeing the visuals.
Great stuff N3V. :)
Was happy surprised by the news letter
-tzarc is not a new compressed file format, check your backups dirs, its used for many years
but everything that loads faster, uses less HD space and reduces bandwidth is very welcome, good development !
will it be posible for content creators to share our stuff in tzarc easy?
-knowing which asset is in which pack helps us all, about time S2 gets an update (running dry as beta tester)

-optimizing the game for DX12, excellent !
-Raytracing, may be a good way to go, hope it will not bite our framerates too much, cause its more calculations

a free route update for something I have to buy first :-)

Don't need the TGV duplex for 20eu, as the free one by genesteal from the DLS will do just fine
those that missed it, I have several free TGV duplex sets in the French forum part here
Ouigo, Carmillion/inOui/Lyria, those are the actual recent TGV-Duplex that drive in France

Trainz is on the move again, good !
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