
since 10 Aug 2002
For a lack of a better place, I'll put this here. Mods, feel free to move it to another forum.
TRAINZ NEWS - March 18th, 2007

Since part one was mostly a mutual admiration club meeting, I can't wait for part two to read more about Trainz Classics itself, and what it will mean for the Trainz community.

"facelifted Surveyor module" hmmm, that sound interesting since I spend most of my Trainz time in there, when I'm not in GMax that is. Any hints as to what to expect?
As far as the content of Trainz Classic goes, I am not interested in it. The reason I might buy TC is if there are developments to the Trainz engine.
I think a lot of people hold the same opinion (I certainly do) hence the reason nobody's talking about it like they did about RSP. If I want payware I'll buy what I need, I won't buy it in bulk to then only use a couple of items. I've never bought a payware route and I can't imagine that many people have, if I want a route badly enough I have Surveyor at my disposal. I realise the packages will include custom rolling stock and buildings etc, but what use are they if you want to upload a route to the DLS for everyone to use?

If Trainz Classics was ONE game with LOTS of updated features then it'd be a good idea, but payware bundles? Nah. Re-writing the JET engine would be a good start. And then maybe implementing working sound, like in MSTS (which came out loooong before 2006). Unfortunately going on past experience I'd be surprised if Auran even fixed the cursor bug.

Have you never noticed the cursor stays on the screen even when it's not in use? One of the basic irritations of TRS2006 (not sure if it was like that in '04)

Have you never noticed the cursor stays on the screen even when it's not in use?

That means all my software is bugged.

Oh, except the DVD player.

Mind you, might not be a bad idea to have the option of a disappearing cursor, especially in driver.
yes but thankfully it dosent show up in screen shots and videos, if you have the right options checked
That means all my software is bugged.

Oh, except the DVD player.

Mind you, might not be a bad idea to have the option of a disappearing cursor, especially in driver.

I'm talking about Trainz here, not PC applications in general. If TRS was a word processing application or a web browser then yes, having the cursor in the middle of the screen would be great... Unfortunately it's a simulator, and having to move the cursor to the edge of the screen after every action is what I would class as a bug.

The only games I can think of where the cursor doesn't disappear are games in which it is needed, such as certain strategy games and first-person shooters (in the form of a crosshair).

The whole user interface needs an overhaul anyway as it's low-resolution and cumbersome (especially the lists and text areas in surveyor) - which brings us nicely back on topic :)

My questions about Classics are as follows :

1. Is it a brand new simulator or a little "bundle" of objects and a route ?
2. will it have an overhaul on the graphics ?
3. Will packs be country based I.E the Harlem line pack sold only in the USA ?

If there is a yes to Q3, to stop everyone moaning, just put the content on the DLS (not the route, just the content on the disk)



...having to move the cursor to the edge of the screen after every action is what I would class as a bug.


1. RSP was going to be a new simulator. Classics is essentially an extension to TRS2006.
2. Nope, from what we've been told it will still use the JET engine, which seems to currently be stretched to the very max. If a new graphics and physics engine was created and was entirely backwards-compatible with TRS2006 assets then yes, I would buy it.
3. I'd be very surprised if you could only buy Harlem Line in the US etc... that would only mean Auran make less money from international sales.

Look ! my cursor bug has been fixed.

Though, I think the cursor is a very handy thing to have if you want to control the train with those little slidey things on the bottom right, Auran went to so much trouble to include in the sim.


1. RSP was going to be a new simulator. Classics is essentially an extension to TRS2006. Correct

2. Nope, from what we've been told it will still use the JET engine, which seems to currently be stretched to the very max. Whilst it is the same engine many of the exisitng assets are getting a good work over with the crew also busy making a lot of new custom content that looks really good, new cars with wheels etc.

3. I'd be very surprised if you could only buy Harlem Line in the US etc... that would only mean Auran make less money from international sales.
All editions will be sold world wide.


Some of the new features look quite cool on TC.
So far I've purchased TRS2004 (installed, but never used), TRS2006, and am actually quite happily awaiting the release of Trainz Classics. Even though the screenies that have been posted tell me less than nothing about the actual gameplay or interface/route editor GUI, It looks good so far.

I understand that some of you haven't gotten "what >you< wanted" from TRS2006, and that tends to happen a lot these days. Auran have something nice going here - a train simulator where content can be made available for free, unlike a certain MS product where, AFAIK, the only way to expand your setup is to purchase add-on packs.

Alan and crew - don't let people dumping on you put you off continuing to release new programs in the Trainz series. I got my copy of 2006 right before the forums came back online, so I don't know what kind of flak you've had to put up with, but it can't be much worse than some of the angry comments I've seen elsewhere (EA's forums spring to mind).

I understand that some of you haven't gotten "what >you< wanted" from TRS2006, and that tends to happen a lot these days. Auran have something nice going here - a train simulator where content can be made available for free, unlike a certain MS product where, AFAIK, the only way to expand your setup is to purchase add-on packs.
I don't know an awful lot about MSTS having moved on to Trainz a long time ago, but I do know that there are plenty of assets available for free as well.

Alan has posted these screenshots before. :)

Looking at the points/switches/turnouts there seem to be guard rails. Does this mean that the animated points feature of TRS06 has been fully implemented?
Have you never noticed the cursor stays on the screen even when it's not in use? One of the basic irritations of TRS2006 (not sure if it was like that in '04)


I don't think this is a bug. It has been a part of Trainz since the orginal version.
Whilst it is the same engine many of the exisitng assets are getting a good work over with the crew also busy making a lot of new custom content that looks really good, new cars with wheels etc. .[...]

Better looking assets using the existing Jet engine. Hmmm, will we all get to know what needs to be done to achieve this? I'd like to make better looking assets too. :eek: