trains 2019, new feature or somewhere I clicked something to get this green grass instead of gray with yellow line mesh??


Active member
Hi all.
In Surveyer for years it was Gray with yellow mesh to start. Now, all of a sudden it is green, like a foliage covering everything.
Did I click something somewhere and make this a default accidently?
thank you in advance for any help.
I've seen conversation here that the change was part of an update - 2019 is a Train I do not have.

Have seen this about that 2019 change over on Steam, which is where I got one of the 2 version of TANE in this box, the other version came direct from N3V,
is from last year, so its current relevance is not knowable by me, but, hey, here's something about your question,

Installing Grid Region
If you prefer the old Grid pattern, or any other default ground texture, follow these steps to change your Region:

  • Open Content Manager
  • Type "Grid Region" in the search box
  • Change the filter to Download Station
  • R-click and click Download
  • In the Routes Menu select your route to Edit
  • Click Edit Menu > Edit Route > Change Region
Earlier in that post, February 24, 2022,

TRS19 Service Pack 5 Update now availabe
Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 - thilliam
Service Pack 5 is the latest update for Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019, and is now available for all TRS19 owners.
This update delivers a few minor updates as well as a number of bug fixes. Under the hood, this update is trainzbuild 5.0 which means that it is currently compatible with TRS22 routes. Note that this is likely to change when TRS22 is released officially (next month).

  • Trainzbuild 5.0 (content older than 5.0 will work in this build. Content saved in this build will not work in older builds
  • Default ground texture is now based upon the Region selected. To use the old grid texture as your default, download the "Grid Region" asset from the Download Station
  • Map options are now found on the Display Menu
  • New Content Manager category icons
  • New Surveyor (Classic) compass
Yes, I think this was a change with Service Pack 5. To get the grid back you either have to choose a region file that uses the grid or you can do a bulk replace, I think.