train simulator

thanks for the help and i have yet another question. after i download the file and read the "readme" file, inside of it it says:
3)Go into the consist editor (Train Sim Editors and tools,
activity editor, service editor, consist editor) or your favorite consist-building utility such as conbuilder and create a consist. Remember, there are two models included. One is an engine running HEP, one is an engine not running HEP, and they should be placed in consists accordingly. They look great with some of NALW's Amfleets and a cabbage on the other end!

I have no idea where to find it. Can someone help me? thanks.
Hi, cnielsen -

Welcome to Trainz (I think).

After all, this is an Auran Trainz forum however, having said that, I'm sure someone could help you. If not here, pop in to chat and we'll see what we can do.

thanks for the help and i have yet another question. after i download the file and read the "readme" file, inside of it it says:

I have no idea where to find it. Can someone help me? thanks.
Well, according to the readme:
3)Go into the consist editor (Train Sim Editors and tools,
activity editor, service editor, consist editor) or your favorite consist-building utility such as conbuilder and create a consist.
Think for a moment here. Where might the Editors and Tools program be?

That's right, in the same menu that train simulator is.

Either that or get conbuilder or something.