

UK railfan
I was wondering if anyone knew if there was any (freeware) track available that has moving points (like Railworks)? Any help will be appreciated.

I'm new but I used a Junction Kit by Andi06 originally in trs06 and recently in ts12 - it has move-able switch rails. In ts12 though, it seems the levers and therefore arrows {green/red} are not in the ts12 version - you click the track area and they switch. The help-file on the wiki states you can add the levers in ts12, but the link for that is missing or broken.

The kit kuids are:

122285:79051 pack 1
122285:79052 pack 2
122285:79053 pack 3

You can find all the bits on the DLS, I typed JK in the name filter and it showed them all.

There are probably others too, but I used the old pack in TRS06 and it's all I have tried in TS12.

I hope this helps chap,

Procedural tracks, i.e., with built-in turnouts have been tested and are being developed for TANE. Still a few rough edges to polish but they work very well.