G Gandalf0444 FVRR member Jan 6, 2008 #1 Does anyone know of any sources,where I can find track maps for the New York City Penn Station ,and possibly a Grand Central Terminal track map as well? Thank you in advance.
Does anyone know of any sources,where I can find track maps for the New York City Penn Station ,and possibly a Grand Central Terminal track map as well? Thank you in advance.
G gfisher Old Hand Jan 6, 2008 #2 Try browsing around in this site http://raildata.railfan.net/prr/prrptt.html
G Gandalf0444 FVRR member Jan 6, 2008 #3 Thanks,but not exactly what I'm looking for.And Its hard to read it,but thanks for your time:wave:
C CasyJ Ear To The Rail Jan 7, 2008 #4 Will these help? http://www.nj-arp.org/arc_altg.gif http://www.mapsofworld.com/usa/states/new-york/new-york-maps/new-york-railwaymap.jpg
Will these help? http://www.nj-arp.org/arc_altg.gif http://www.mapsofworld.com/usa/states/new-york/new-york-maps/new-york-railwaymap.jpg
G gfisher Old Hand Jan 8, 2008 #5 Try these maps from the PRR Historical Society. http://broadway.pennsyrr.com/Rail/Prr/Maps/Itlk/itlk_phl_nyc_main.html
Try these maps from the PRR Historical Society. http://broadway.pennsyrr.com/Rail/Prr/Maps/Itlk/itlk_phl_nyc_main.html
G Gandalf0444 FVRR member Jan 8, 2008 #6 Thanks guys but I found what I was looking for. Let me post the links as these could help numerous other people. http://www.richegreen.com/MNRRTrackMapV3.pdf http://www.richegreen.com/NJTV4.pdf
Thanks guys but I found what I was looking for. Let me post the links as these could help numerous other people. http://www.richegreen.com/MNRRTrackMapV3.pdf http://www.richegreen.com/NJTV4.pdf