Topology problem in TRS2004


New member
Using minimum circle size and raising or lowering a square on the baseboard operates on a crossing of grid lines to the left of the circle. It always used to operate on the square that was inside the circle. I cannot any more, for example, create an embankment one square wide at the top with the sides also taking up one square. None of the topology buttons (U, D, H) has any effect on the square over which the circle is placed.

What could have changed? What do I do to get back the previous mode where a whole square or row of squares could have its height adjusted?
Are you saying.......

If I understand your problem correctly, the raise/lower circle is off center but still works?
Looking closely at what happens (or doesn't happen).

Click with the centre of the circle (minimum size) at the crossing point of gridlines and nothing at all happens - won't go up, won't go down. Move the circle so it goes over other squares and one or more squares will respond.

As you move the circle with the LMB held down, action occurs as the circumference of the circle moves into a new square - and on that square, not on the one totally or mostly covered by the circle.

Hope that helps to explain it.

I haven't used TRS2004 for several months and I am quite sure that, before, I could make one whole square go up or down, dragging the squares immediately around it of course.

I bet someone is going to advise me to re-install TRS 2004 but I hope there is a solution that will avaoid that hassle!
Looking closely at what happens (or doesn't happen).

Click with the centre of the circle (minimum size) at the crossing point of gridlines and nothing at all happens - won't go up, won't go down. Move the circle so it goes over other squares and one or more squares will respond.

As you move the circle with the LMB held down, action occurs as the circumference of the circle moves into a new square - and on that square, not on the one totally or mostly covered by the circle.

Hope that helps to explain it.

I haven't used TRS2004 for several months and I am quite sure that, before, I could make one whole square go up or down, dragging the squares immediately around it of course.

I bet someone is going to advise me to re-install TRS 2004 but I hope there is a solution that will avaoid that hassle!

Hello..............I have TRS2004 at 2365. If I use the minimum sized circle, and raise it at the cross-hairs, all 4 squares raise with the point at the center. If there is a problem, I have it as well. I have been Trainzing for only a year, but I dont recall a single square being raised.

I would think that if the raising ( or lowering ) ended exactly on the line, it would be difficult to make a smooth transition between the two surfaces. Maybe someone will explain.:confused:
This is normal action for the minimum size circle. This is because of the size of the grid. The 10m x 10m squares are large and the circle affects the area in 4 squares instead of only 1. This does present a problem when creating close embankments, but you learn to compromise and work around it in different ways like using wall splines or slope splines for example.

Thank you for your replies but I am certain I have anomalous behaviour. For example, when I drag the circle across the baseboard the heights do not change as the circle moves across but only after it has gone past several squares. And the height tools used to change one square, obviously affecting the slope of adjacent squares. It will not do that now, as the following screenshot shows.

The shot shows me clicking to reduce a square at the bottom of an embankment to the baseboard level. But nothing happens.

I have frequently made an embankment by S and clicking in track mode, such embankments being too wide. Then gone into topography and returned a whole row of squares to baseboard level, leaving the ground under the track correct still. I can't do that any more.

Further thoughts welcome.

Thanks to imageshack for the pic.
If it helps, the topology is adjusted by the vertices (the corners of the squares). At the smallest radius you can adjust the height of a single vertex (at least in TRS2006). The topology is changed by which vertices are inside the circle rather than the squares. To make a flat square you need to move all 4 vertices to the same level.

This is also why you can't make a true vertical cliff because the slope goes from one row of vertices to another.
Yes, and when you have all four corners of a square inside the circle the whole square should rise. (The eight surrounding squares become sloping).

Until now, that is what happened with my TRS2004. Now, if the circle is dead centred on the square (rarely possible), nothing happens. If the circle is almost centred on a square, just one vertex rises, giving a four-sided pyramid. Movement of the circle and further clicking will not make the other three vertices rise.

All I have done between the time it was working properly and now is to download a few track and bridge items. Could they have affected the topology function?
Laldfordo wrote:
Now, if the circle is dead centred on the square (rarely possible), nothing happens.

That is strange. I tried to repeat this, and have had absolutely no problem. The four corners raise, and the surrounding 8 squares slope.:confused:
There is this trick I got from somewhere, I think it was Virtual Railroader.

You take a track section and put the ends where you want a slope. The ends have to be at 2 different elevations. Then you use one of the grade buttons on the track, the track levels out and modifies the terrain.

In laldfordo's picture, I could put one track end in a square above the compass and the other 2 squares below it. Then with the grade button, the track levels and modifies the terrain around it.
Using minimum circle size and raising or lowering a square on the baseboard operates on a crossing of grid lines to the left of the circle. It always used to operate on the square that was inside the circle. I cannot any more, for example, create an embankment one square wide at the top with the sides also taking up one square. None of the topology buttons (U, D, H) has any effect on the square over which the circle is placed.

What could have changed? What do I do to get back the previous mode where a whole square or row of squares could have its height adjusted?

I think you will find you have the sensitivity dial set too high .
anything over a quarter and the ground whizzes up, below that you get a slow controlled rise of one square.

hope this helps
Great, manjoe, that confirms that the circle does operate at its mid point, as mine used to. Sadly, cathouse, it is not the sensitivity setting that is causing the problem.

My circle works at a point on its circumference, not from its centre. Another screenshot. Here I clicked with the circle around a single square, minimum sensitivity, and you see it has raised the terrain at the right of the circumference to a point and affected 12 squares.

Thanks for the workround, StorkNest, but I want a proper fix and your method will produce slopes that are too wide.

PS Sorry, I can't get the screenshot to go in to the post.
Problem solved

I just re-installed SP4 and the raising/lowering has gone back to what it was before. Thanks to all who helped.