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How to download a freeware route I once ordered in TANE times to TMR?
I mean it downloaded there (in TANE) automaticaly including all dependencies right after opening TANEs main window where you see maps to choose from). Now this is the pain in the... to download each asset one by one for the map (which I CDPed out of TANE) from the download station not having a ticket. This map was being downloaded in TANE without the speed limit. Niddertalbahn. I'm a rather advanced user. I tried to download all the things related from TANE but some of them being 'built-in' after such manoeuvre become 'faulty' due to the importer couldn't manage to unpack texture files (each time I do CDP in Tane from a builtin asset and then install it in TMR I get this error of being unable to unpack texture files. I once discovered such assets have texture files (as this is native trainz) instead of usual tga+texture.txt. This is a serious bug first present in TANE and now reproduced in TMR17. Such things were absent in TS12 and below.
How to download a freeware route I once ordered in TANE times to TMR?
I mean it downloaded there (in TANE) automaticaly including all dependencies right after opening TANEs main window where you see maps to choose from). Now this is the pain in the... to download each asset one by one for the map (which I CDPed out of TANE) from the download station not having a ticket. This map was being downloaded in TANE without the speed limit. Niddertalbahn. I'm a rather advanced user. I tried to download all the things related from TANE but some of them being 'built-in' after such manoeuvre become 'faulty' due to the importer couldn't manage to unpack texture files (each time I do CDP in Tane from a builtin asset and then install it in TMR I get this error of being unable to unpack texture files. I once discovered such assets have texture files (as this is native trainz) instead of usual tga+texture.txt. This is a serious bug first present in TANE and now reproduced in TMR17. Such things were absent in TS12 and below.