Tutorial Creator
In TS12, the Jetlog file does not store much information, and earlier versions can be made to store more information from the scripting engine.
This can be done by adding at least two out of the following three entries into trainzoptions.txt, which is in the Trainz installation folder: (Items in bold are required entries, items that are not bold are optional, but will help increase the level of debugging information)
This can be done by adding at least two out of the following three entries into trainzoptions.txt, which is in the Trainz installation folder: (Items in bold are required entries, items that are not bold are optional, but will help increase the level of debugging information)
- Adding any of these entries will slow Trainz down to a certain extent as it will be writing to Jetlog.txt more often.
- There is a side effect of the -debug entry: the Shift key on the keyboard is remapped to a new function. This function is to speed up game time, but be aware that this can have undesirable effects including derailments.
- The Jetlog file can become significantly larger when these entries are in effect - if the file is too large for Notepad to open, try ConTEXT from