Всем привет. Недавно купил trainz 22 и учусь делать дополнения. Недавно обнаружил, что моя модель вагона светится ночью. Я делаю модели с помощью программы blender. Можете подсказать, что это и как это исправить?
EN :
Hello everyone. I recently bought a trainz 22 and am learning how to make add-ons. I recently discovered that my car model glows at night. I make models using the blender program. Can you tell me what it is and how to fix it?
If you are using PBR texture materials, check that the red channel of the parameters map is pure black. Also check there is no self-emission in any of the general shader settings.
If your asset uses the older texture material m.tbumpenv, it appears slightly self-illuminated at night in Trainz 2019 (and probably in TS22). Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about it.