

New member
Tane! Supposed to be the best. Ha all the old problems inherited can't stop won't stop, trains running red lights running into the back of other trains. AI trains completely losing the plot, held up at a red light, turns to green won't move off returns control to user, user drives it for a couple of miles AI takes over. AI trains no path to selected destination but I can drive the same route myself no problem "hopeless", most annoying I have not a TRS version that has worked yet since 2006 you'd think they would have fixed the basic problems by now. I don't think they care as long as they get the cash. :(
AI needs explicit detailed instructions to drive via many trackmarkers in a row, like pigeons following a detailed trail of breadcrumbs, and many signals help them control trains along a path
And you may well have one or more track direction markers against you, which would prevent an AI train from finding a path but would still allow you to drive it manually.

Also, in the past I have found that after working in Surveyor, it may be necessary to completely exit TANE and relaunch, before running a Driver session. Not doing so would sometimes result in AI trains not moving beyond apparently clear signals.
And you may well have one or more track direction markers against you, which would prevent an AI train from finding a path but would still allow you to drive it manually.

Also, in the past I have found that after working in Surveyor, it may be necessary to completely exit TANE and relaunch, before running a Driver session. Not doing so would sometimes result in AI trains not moving beyond apparently clear signals.

I've noticed the same and also found out it's best to save and exit really, really long driving sessions due to the same reason. I reported this sometime ago and even sent a copy of my route to N3V, but never heard back.
The best way to make cash is to provide a good product. Not caring results in less sakes. So let's look at the issues raised one by one and work out some solutions - either user based or code updates if bugs can be identified.

Trains running red lights - this issue as covered in last weeks newsletter. Ai brake settings are in the engine spec. There are thousands of these available. If the max-decel is too low the trains will run red lights.

train loses the plot - Ai doesn't try forever. Check the messages. Work out the hold up. Stop the schedule and make the necessary adjustments (or allow us to choose a path randomly when there is a conflict which is the other choice)

ai takes over - if you didn't use Stop train, it will retry the schedule after a period of time. If no blockage then off it goes as instructed (since you did not tell it to stop).

no path to destination- there is always a reason. The Ai works logically. Generally this is due to lack of signals but may be a hidden blockage such as an ill formed crossing that uses invisible track on the mainline and a different track that prevents the user from derailing (possibly s bug).

try the 2006 version route in TANE and report any issues via our bug reporting til at support.trainzportsl.com

sorry for the lack of caps - typing in the back of a taxi and short of time.

In summary, the Ai is totally logical. Work through the possibilities and you will conquer the mystery.
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Don't tell me Tony... The train didn't turn up? "typing in the back of a taxi and short of time"

Just keep doing what you are doing for Tane. I am happy and I am sure it will all come right in the end.

As to AI ... I place track Direction Markers blocking the path of all trains, on an undesired opposing track.

I also place Train Priority markers (1 for Passenger, 2 for Freight) and configure Passenger trains to be priority 1, and Freight trains to be priority 2 ... this makes passenger trains follow the passenger dedicated tracks, and keeps freight trains on their own dedicated freight tracks ... I can select "Drive" and each respective priority train follows a certain path through many complex interlockings, and junctions ... using little or no signals at all, and no trackmarkers ... and all my junctions are named all the same: ` (the lower case symbol on the tilde ~ KB key)
And you may well have one or more track direction markers against you, which would prevent an AI train from finding a path but would still allow you to drive it manually.

Also, in the past I have found that after working in Surveyor, it may be necessary to completely exit TANE and relaunch, before running a Driver session. Not doing so would sometimes result in AI trains not moving beyond apparently clear signals.
Yes I agree but if there were direction markers against me I would get red signals before the offending direction marker but this is not the case. I discovered that the problem lay in the first few yards of the siding where they are parked moved the trains onto a different siding no more problem with paths.
Thanks Keith
The best way to make cash is to provide a good product. Not caring results in less sakes. So let's look at the issues raised one by one and work out some solutions - either user based or code updates if bugs can be identified.

Trains running red lights - this issue as covered in last weeks newsletter. Ai brake settings are in the engine spec. There are thousands of these available. If the max-decel is too low the trains will run red lights.

train loses the plot - Ai doesn't try forever. Check the messages. Work out the hold up. Stop the schedule and make the necessary adjustments (or allow us to choose a path randomly when there is a conflict which is the other choice)

ai takes over - if you didn't use Stop train, it will retry the schedule after a period of time. If no blockage then off it goes as instructed (since you did not tell it to stop).

no path to destination- there is always a reason. The Ai works logically. Generally this is due to lack of signals but may be a hidden blockage such as an ill formed crossing that uses invisible track on the mainline and a different track that prevents the user from derailing (possibly s bug).

try the 2006 version route in TANE and report any issues via our bug reporting til at support.trainzportsl.com

sorry for the lack of caps - typing in the back of a taxi and short of time.

In summary, the Ai is totally logical. Work through the possibilities and you will conquer the mystery.

To get round the AI trains not moving off after a red light. I placed passing sidings just before and after the offending red light and this seems to work but it just seems to move the problem further along the track. so again I place passing sidings until I have reached the place where the AI takes over again works but doesn't look as good as what I had originally planned. Trains running red lights they have always done this they don't slow down quick enough at the yellow signal and as a result are going to fast when they reach the red light. to counter this I have placed speed restrictions at the offending junctions to get round this. It only happens with steam trains though as you say some stop better than others. thanks Keith.
As to AI ... I place track Direction Markers blocking the path of all trains, on an undesired opposing track.

I also place Train Priority markers (1 for Passenger, 2 for Freight) and configure Passenger trains to be priority 1, and Freight trains to be priority 2 ... this makes passenger trains follow the passenger dedicated tracks, and keeps freight trains on their own dedicated freight tracks ... I can select "Drive" and each respective priority train follows a certain path through many complex interlockings, and junctions ... using little or no signals at all, and no trackmarkers ... and all my junctions are named all the same: ` (the lower case symbol on the tilde ~ KB key)

If possible, could u post a screenshot of your Tilde Names in one of your Menu Flyout Tabs? Thanks
I wish that trains would not just blindly carry on down the open path when they "lose the plot" in AI. I would prefer that they stop and some kind of warning appear. Otherwise the AI does quite well I think.
I had the same problem. Took 2 days to figure out.
I moved the direction marker from outside a spur to inside, and it started working as expected.
The AI is decent, I just think we need more documentation on our findings :D (maybe we should start updating the wiki more with these things, I still see years old news on the frontpage)