New member
Hello. I am new here. I have had Trainz 2004 since it was first released, and I have enjoyed it tremendously. However, I've also had the same system since then, and before. My computer is probably AT LEAST 5 years old, and has never had an upgrade. I am facing problems with playablility in Trainz so severe that most, if not all routes run very slowly. I cannot view more than about 10 default Auran boxcars without frame rates nearly dropping to zero. And I find myself having to cut back on scenery in my custom routes. Even one partially filled baseboard, with a track, some buildings and trees, lags the frame rates. Here are my computer's specs.
2.08 GHz AMD Athlon XP processor
512 MB DDR SDRAM memory
120 GB Ultra DMA Hard Drive
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 video card
39.1 available gigabytes left on C Drive
Can anybody help me out on any possible upgrade information? What would I need for "normal" operation of Trainz, instead of slightly below borderline?
2.08 GHz AMD Athlon XP processor
512 MB DDR SDRAM memory
120 GB Ultra DMA Hard Drive
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 video card
39.1 available gigabytes left on C Drive
Can anybody help me out on any possible upgrade information? What would I need for "normal" operation of Trainz, instead of slightly below borderline?