It does work and it worked before and Zelda its not appropriate to just say "Nope you're screwed theres no hope for you" there has to be a reason and there must be a fix, and the reason why I bumped it because no one replied and it was getting knocked down lower in the threads, now back onto topic, I just want to know if its a problem with others and not just myself and if there is a fix.
You need to calm down. You needn't bump a thread mere hours after it's made. Maybe after a few days, but not after about 4 hours. He wasn't saying there was no hope for you, but rather that you need to be lees impatient.
Ruvan if you keep asking like a spoiled brat no ones going to help you and you will end up on alot of ignore lists I strongly recommend you wait quietly and stop biting are heads of for you wont get anywhere!