Sweden's ghost train rides again.

Spooky indeed, though it does seem to require that someone train spots at Kymlinge to make sure that passengers are 'never seen again'. ;)
They actually made a TV-serie about the train :D Here's a part of the serie with the train: https://youtu.be/OTC43ucCo9k?t=8m33s :)

And there's two cars still existing (maybe only one now, not sure). One is up in the North, in Mannaminne at some kind of museum, the other one is/was used by the Police as a training-car. The rest of them are scrapped, BUT, you can drive with it in Trainz ;) avalibe at http://www.e-buzz.se/forum/showthread.php?t=32344 (it's called SL C5 and you need to sign in)