Surveyor pick list...hard to see items if colour blind


Did a search but i have not seen this mentioned by anyone else. I am partially colour blind, colours close together are very hard for me to tell apart. Since acquiring TRS19 I note that the surveyor pick list for items when building is using a black background with a dark grey (???) item highlight. If you are like me it requires really staring at the list to determine which item is highlighted, so to my question: is there ANY way to change the highlight bar colour, like a bright yellow or something? If not then do you think Auran/N3V would consider this option, is it worth reporting?
The text was far easier to see in previous versions prior to TRS2019 in general. I don't have color blindness, but I do have reduced vision and find the lack of contrast difficult to tell if something has been selected or not.

We mentioned this issue before, but sadly nothing was done. Perhaps it needs to be brought up again. I recommend reporting.
Hi John; Why do they send emails requesting feedback for improvement and then ignore the stuff, I mean how hard is it to enter an RGB/HTML colour code? Still waiting for weather effects too, checked out a friends Train Sim 19 (?) by Dove Tail and the windshield actually accumulated water when it rained, reducing visibility and requiring wipers, I can understand why for driving TRS19 is not recommended if you want realism. This has been mentioned since T12 AFAIK.
N3V is focusing more on the gaming market since that customer base is larger than virtual hobbyists. Because the drab black and black scheme developed by Microsoft, has become a norm we are stuck with it. Color visual definition is "so 1950'ish", it looks like a cartoon. Look at the number of people who shun color for black, grey (gray) clothing.

So we are stuck. There is no financial incentive for N3V to alter the "color" of N3V.

However, depending on the construct of the programs in the system, they might look at an optional key to select color or black & white. Offering the full array of color is not needed. A little Googling should reveal the most effective color combinations for your conditions. Focus on them and that will benefit all who need some DEFINITION to the N3V displays.