Supertrain : Once more with feeling....


Supertrain (c) 2002 - Now
Well, here we go again....

It all started w/ Trainz version 1.1.1


Then came Trainz Ultimate Collection

Then came Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004

Then came Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006



There, we're up to date on my project, again.

Will I be remakeing this yet again for Trainz Classic ?

You bet your boots I will, hopefully I can just update the files yet again, if not I can allways start from scratch and call it Version 5.0.0 or something.

- FAQ -

1. Is this on the DLS ?

Nope, i've tryed to put it there but it just won't go there, not sure why.

2. Where can I get this ?

Try the official site for it >> << This sever is offline, sorry it took me so long to fix this, I guess it just slipped my mind, typical
Everything moved to here >> << Yes, it's Google Drive best option, for now
OR you can search for it on TrainzLuvr as it's there as well. ( not the current version as I forgot my name & password for there, oops )

3. Have you made anything else for Trainz ?

I did make an Amtrak caboose / MHC / Autotrain car set, but others can make these better then I ever could, so i'll let them do it instead.

4. Why make Supertrain ?

Mostly because no one else was doing it, others were doing Superliners, my superliners, to put it mildly sucked eggs, so i'd thought i'd try something no one else could do, or wanted to do, or even remember seeing on TV.

5. Any videos of it ?

I'll post them later in this thread.

< = < <=) The Supertrain Chief (=> > = >
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Don't worry about Trainz Classics.

You work will work just the same.

IIRC, for those with TRS06 Trainz classic will bring new beautiful content (fully build routes and rolling stock) to TRS, to those without TRS06 it will allow them to run that route and its content only, no surveyor module for them. Just the basic to allow them to run that.
The Big Bus

Hey Woulfe,
On the last picture for the supertrain there is a
bus in the background. If this that bus, Where did you get that?
Here is a link for that pic from your site.


I made that, I didn't bother with saveing it anywhere as I wasn't sure if anyone wanted it.

It's the bus from the movie 'The Big Bus' a parody of airport films long before 'Airplane' was made.

I could remake it, it wasn't too hard to make anyway, if folks are interested in it that is.

- Samrec -

Okay, thanks for the heads up, i'll keep Supertrain as is ;)

< = < <=) I've been workin' onna railroad, all the live long day (=> > = >
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DLS : Testing : Supertrain

Well, I just sent 1 file, and only 1 file to the DLS to see if it'll upload.

If it works i'll send the rest.

Meanwhile here's some thumbnails of Supertrain itself.


< = < <=) Le Chief Du Supertrain Da Crazyinnaheadtodothis (=> > = >
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? How long ?

How long does it take before something shows up on the DLS anyway ?

A day ? 2 days ? 3 days ? 4 days ? 5 days ? 6 days ? A week ?

Meanwhile heres some thumbnails of the Supertrain track and more.


< = < <=) Just Some Nut Who Made Supertrain For Trainz (=> > = >
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Supertrain Videos

First clips of 'the real thing' in action...

My 'interpitation' of that follows....

When you get lost between the moon and New York City....

Here we see how well TRS2006 handles the train itself.

You Tube version, verry compressed down before putting it up there.

~ WARNING ~ This file is pretty large even for dial up folks.

The first time I used the actual Supertrain TV theme for something.

The Supertrain locomotive in Railyard, once around the loco, James.

Another early version of the train on a layout runing around in the rain.

Another early test of the early version of Supertrain on a layout.

Testing the locomotive in TRS2004, to see if it was working even.

< = < <=) What are these odd looking marks here anyway ? (=> > = >
what software are you using to make the textures? id suggest photoshop to give it a more realistic/weathered appearence, maybe some transparent windows with a simple interior would make the model more fun at night as well.


what software are you using to make the textures? id suggest photoshop to give it a more realistic/weathered appearence, maybe some transparent windows with a simple interior would make the model more fun at night as well.


I don't have photoshop unforunatly.
I just used paint as that came with windows for free ;)
The train allways looked brand new on the show, so I saw no reason to age it any really.
I never made an int for any of the cars, just for the cab of the loco itself, I forgot what it looked liked inside, the shows been off the air for like 20 years or more, it was last seen on TV early 1980 / late 1979 after all.
Problem with doing a 'futuristic' train is how do you make it look aged if it's in the future where everything is all bright and shiny like ;)
I do have GIMP tho' but not a clue how to do stuff w/ it, I need a manual or something to show me what I can do w/ that and all the steps involved.

< = < <=) Unless someone is willing to help, Supertrain is as is (=> > = >
99% of Supertrain On DLS

Good news folks, it seemed to work, Supertrain is on the DLS.
Well, all but the WideGauge Crossings so don't try getting the route yet.
For some weird reason the tumbnails didn't upload w/ the content, joy =P
Possibly my fault, i'll fix it this weekend.


This should be the image that goes with the Layout / Route, along with all the other thumbnails above for all the equipment that goes with it as well.

< = < <=) Who Might Of Been Half Asleep When Editing The Files (=> > = >
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Sent new versions of the files to the DLS, this time with the thumbnails packed with the files so they'll show up this time around, all we have to do is wait for them to be reviewed and stuff like dat dere.

Still can't believe I made a mistake that simple as not packing the thumbnails with the actual files, they were on my computer and the configs pointed to them, just forgot to put them with the actual files 'cause I could still see 'em on my comp so I thought they'd be packaged w/ the files, oops.

Oh well, live and learn, eh ?

< = < <=) Who's Techincaly Challened At Times When He Shouldn't Be (=> > = >
"Wide-gauge" track.

I'm guessing it would work on the normal track, it just wouldn't look right.

I'm sure that the half pint Supertrain would work on standard/narrow gauge track.
I'd just like to know, how fast can it actually go as I've got it up to 397mph (629kph) but I'm sure it can go faster.
Some More Answers


Yup, the Wide Gauge Track that I uploaded along with the traincars is used with the full scaled version of Supertrain.

The 'halfpint' version uses standard rails, I need to fix the 'halfpint' version before I upload it to the DLS, as it has no thumbnails for it, yet.

As for narrow gauge, not sure if even the 'halfpint' version would look right on them, as I used default Auran bogies for it.

I feel the need for speed....

How fast can Supertrain go ? I have no idea, I was just trying to get it to go 200, so I used the F7 hotrod to get it to go really fast like.

Guess to test how fast it can go would be to make a circular track crank the DCC all the way up and see what happens, as long as Alastair isn't driveing it, we know how that guy can't drive anything, and the last thing you want him driveing is something that'd end in orbit if it crashes ;)

I can just see it now, Al is going around the track at Warp 1 * WANG ! * Next thing you know he's orbiting Pluto still in Supertrain's cab.

"Hey, I chuhn see muh house from here, Sorta."

< = < <=) How In The World Did Supertrain End Up Orbiting Pluto ? (=> > = >
Official Website Update !

I've updated the official website for my Supertrain stuff ;)

Now you have a choice to download stuff as a ZIP file or a CDP file.....

If you know where to place everyting use the ZIP file.

If you don't know where everything goes use the CDP file.

Planning on doing some videos of 'HalfPint' in action for folks to view.

Meanwhile, enjoy what's at the site currently.

< = < <=) Link Follows Under This Crazy Thing Whatever It Is (=> > = >
Download Station

Once again I uploded the files to the DLS this time w/ the thumbnails bulit into the files, it'll probibly take all weekend before they show up.

Hopefully this time the Wide Gauge Crossings will show up as well.
They didn't before and I don't know why they didn't, oh well.
If not there's allways my Supertrain site, eh ?

< = < <=) I hear a train a comin' comin' 'round the bend.... (=> > = >
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Nice, nice!!!

This is REALLY looking nice. Keep it up, Woulfe! :D

Keep what up ? I haven't really updated this when I finished it last ;)

It's still version 4.0.9 that I was working on before the board went poof, so I started a new post that'd put it all in one place, it was all spread out before all over the board in diffrent locations no less.

I figure if I just update with new pics of the train itself. I might as well put it in the 'sceenshots' section of the board as i'm not doing anymore work on the train itself, however I could make a 2nd Route for it. Something not as massive as the NY to LA route, possibly. The NY to LA route is getting tweeked a bit to take care of seeing the baseboard edge when viewing from cams or in the cab, and so forth.

< = < <=) Still plugging away at getting it to be on the DLS (=> > = >
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For those that are still following this.....

The Supertrain Layout

This has been uploaded to Trainz Luvr today, it'll show up sometime in the next 24 hrs there, it took awhile to get it to upload as it's a BIG file due to all the baseboards and content on them.

Other Supertrain News

I'm still debating to do yet another version w/ insides to everything, working doors, ect, ect, ect.... However due to me not recalling what the rest of the insides looked liked in the first place, I think I'll just leave it as is.

Anther reason to do another version would be to see if I could get it even closer to what it looked liked (exterior only that is) on the show, however because I'm worried over copyright issues, I feel I just will leave it as is.

I'm still tweaking the layout itself, I'm thinking of replacing a lot of the buildings in it w/ ones from the Cityscape series to get rid of lag for folks who run Trainz on lower end systems, for folks that don't know, the Cityscape series is basically high end textures on boxes, that's it, they look nice without having all these doodads on them made in Gmax. That saves FPS rates I'm sure.

That's All For Now Folks !

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