Speeder Hold-up!


Well-known member
Avery-Drexel incoporates these neat revolutionary all-new exclusive little speeder pads to park speeders track-side.

The only trouble is these hold up mainline AI trains if these is a speeder actually occupying one of these pads.

Besides not placing a speeder on the pad, what is the solution for track-side speeders on pads NOT to hold up AI drivers on the main line and always give mainline traffic the right of way?:o

Here is an image for details:
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Hum, I haven't looked at TUME's version yet but when I set up something similar I used an invisible turntable. If that is what TUME did then turning the turntable so that the mainline is open should fix it. You will have to experiment to figure out which way the turntable is facing.
Or take out the turntable and put in a regular track, or BNSF50 invisatrack, with a very rediculously, L shaped, tight radius, with a switch stand
OK I had a chance to look at the speeder tracks and it turns out TUME use a combination of invisible tracks and invisible switches. You should verify that the switches on the mainline are set correctly. Note that given how tight the speeder sidings are it maybe that once you have a speeder on the siding it locks one or more switches which might cause problems.
Also, set the turnouts trigger radii to 1 and move the speeder back by about 5 feet. That should do the trick.