SP1 & TrainzMap


I've found that all SP1 installation packages are not the same!

I installed SP1 and discovered that TrainzMap 1.1 would no longer work. After some discussion with the great folks at VistaMareSoft.com, this was the solution:

...In fact this is probably a known problem. In some cases, never
understood, the TRS2006 SP1 patcher does not update the TraiUtil.exe
utility to the latest version. This version is needed by TrainzMap
(the previous one(s) were buggy and/or incomplete): this is why
TrainzMap does not work.

You may look in the "bin" folder under the main folder where you
installed TRS2006 in: the file TraunzUtil.exe should be dated at
least June 14th, 2006; if it is earlier than that, it is the pre-SP1
(wrong) version.

Theoretically, you could try re-installing the SP1, but a) this may
be not so straightforward as it should and b) it is not sure that
this time the patcher will update TrainzUtil.exe too.

So, the best thing is to replace your current TrainzUtil.exe in the
[FS2006]\bin folder...

This was the EXACT problem, and replacing the file with the newer version fixed it immediately (without having to re-install anything!)

The only speed-bump was locating the updated TrainzUtil.exe... I was able to fix my problem, but I'm sure Auran doesn't want us freely sharing bits of their code. So what are we supposed to do if we can't get it from them?
Seems like when I updated to SP1 way back last fall, there was a notice that Trainzmap had been updated to 1.3. As a reminder, if you have RailDriver and decide to update the drivers, they will overwrite TrainzUtil.exe back to pre-SP1. The way I was able to get TrainzUtil.exe back was to install SP1 on my old desktop then copy the file so I wouldn't have to do a re-install on my laptop.
The newest version of TrainzMap (according to VistaMare) is 1.1.

You are probably right about SP1 and RailDriver... I do have a RailDriver controller and it makes sense.

Maybe a person should make a backup copy of TrainzUtil.exe before installing (or re-installing) the RailDriver drivers.

Still... what a pain
Thanks for that heads-up goodell911 :) I had that problem and had forgotten about it, it is now in my notes :D
Problem Solved!

Thanks to our forum members and VistaMare, this issue can now be put to rest. The following is what I sent-off to VistaMare:


I just wanted to pass along some interesting information that relates to this situation...

As you know, installing the TRS2006 Service Pack requires a fresh, clean installation of
TRS2006 that has not yet been run. Attempting upgrade anything but a virgin TRS install
results in errors and crashes, if the Service Pack installs at all.

Of course, SP1 upgrades TrainzUtil.exe along with all the other files. And then...

The next thing that happens (for many, many of us) is that we must re-install the
RailDriver drivers, and this is where the problem begins. RailDriver replaces our upgraded
TrainzUtil.exe with the (older 2005) version as a part of its normal installation.

I'm not sure why RailDriver does this. The version of TrainzUtil.exe it installs isn't
special or modified in any way. I replaced the RailDriver version with the one you
recommended and everything works great... TRS2006, TrainzMap and yes... RailDriver.

I would advise someone experiencing this same problem to make a backup copy of the updated
TrainzUtil.exe before installing the RailDriver drivers, and then replace it afterward.
I've been able to recreate this series of events, and the solution works without having to
search for code beyond your own PC.

Thanks again everyone... It's nice to have finally contributed something instead of just asking stupid newbie questions!
That or send a messege to RailDriver itself and see if they can release an update for those that are using TRS2006 w/SP1.

Geez... That's one of those 'no-brainer' ideas you don't think about until somebody else mentions it.

Great idea! Will do asap.
My problem is that for the french version of 2006 there is and never will be a Service Pack and it wont work in 2006 without it

That or send a messege to RailDriver itself and see if they can release an update for those that are using TRS2006 w/SP1.


SP1 and TrainzMap

I have TRS2006 with SP1 (all installed when I got 2006). I do not have Train Driver. But my TrainzUtil file is dated June 2005 and TrainzMap will not work. I have emailed TrainzMap for advice and am awaiting their reply. In the meantime, has anyone any useful suggestion?

VistaMare can't, and won't provide you with copyrighted content (TrainzUtil.exe) belonging to Auran. ...I've already been that route.

You can still download and install SP1, this will give you the updated TrainzUtil.exe. Since you don't have a RailDriver, you won't have to worry about that over-writing it.

That should solve the problem.

TrainzUtil 888 KB Application 6/14/2006 4:42PM ...

This file lives in the Bin folder of TRS 2006 and gets changed if you install TrainzMap 1.1.
Which is why you should back up this file and copy back after TM installation.
TrainzUtil.exe is the reason TrainzMap won't work for you. You can find it in the Auran/TRS2006/Bin folder. If it is dated BEFORE 6/14/2006, TrainzMap will not recognize that you have Trainz 2006 installed.

SP1 updates this file to the 6/14/2006 version, but some software installed AFTER the SP1 update will re-install the 2005 version... like TrainzMap and RailDriver... And, in the case of TrainzMap, will then not work because of it.

Right AFTER you install SP1, and BEFORE you install anything else is when you have the updated TrainzUtil.exe file on your computer... This is your opportunity to make a backup copy of it which you can then restore when you are all finished installing other stuff.
