Some puzzlement, here


New member

Both, TRS2006 and TS2009, have config file generators as part of the Content Manager. Both generate config files for splines, such as track, fences, roads, etc.

When I use the spline function in 2006 to generate a config file for track, it works. I have only to create the default mesh, and the artwork, and the track appears in Surveyor! Outstanding and easy.

The same thing in TS2009 has a very different outcome--it generates the track spline and you can drive a train on it but, the spline is invisible. Nothing in the config file points to what might be missing and I have tried everything I know about this stuff to make the spline visible. It doesn't show up in the surveyor window, either. When imported, the Content Manager accepts the import just fine.

The fact that the mapping doesn't show up, tells me that there might be a problem with the spline dimension, though I have no idea what it should be.

While the 2006 utility works just fine, I'd like to try the 2009 utility.

So, I'm open to hints.

Thanks in advance,



Hi srude
The tracks in TS2009 use a new system, which requires you to make a mesh and texture it, and then setup a set of LOD's. You can find more information on this system on the TrainzDev website, which is designed to allow content creators to discuss the new TS2009 systems (and has the Wiki, which is the 'replacement' for the CCG).
A thanks to ...


I want to thank Zec Murphy for giving me a steer in the right direction. I got a copy of the sample 2009 track config file, entered defaults in the proper places and my track appeared in Surveyor!

Being, lazy, I'm not so sure that I want to create six meshes to satisfy the new way of doing things. The 2006 way works for me.

By the way, how do I get the new 5m cut in a hill? Does that have to be specified somewhere?

I used the flatten spline tool but it still got the old width. What am I missing here?

The lazy content creator,



You have to convert the baseboard to 5m rather than the default 10m squares. Right click on the add new board icon and select 5m then click on board. The tool for raising/lowering ground will now work to produce a narrow cut when set to its minimum radius.

I think that's what you need to do.

