Smokin' Pics (Warning: smoky Pics)


New member
Ok, not sure if this has been done before, but I was bored and thought, hey, why not put some pics of those engines workin out? Whats accepted:

Photoshopped Images/Regular Screenies (so people know not to buy photoshop...)
Any country engines/cars
LOTS of steam/smoke/exhaust
Try not to pollute the world (if you have to...)
Have fun, dont get outta control...

My Contribution:
Kinda smokey...much...?

GL trainzers
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My TRS lost track of its assets again, so I have to wait for CMP to find them. Once it's found them, I'll post a GREAT (and UNEDITED) smokey pic!
Ok, I started up the Huge Boy from TrainzItalia the day I got it, and...WOW what a smoker!

I just now got these three LARGE pix:


At 67 MPH from the front:

At speed from behind:

It would be great to see a pic of a loco coming out of a tunnel and the tunnel left choked with smoke. Also come dark horrible polluted world pics, from a day when carbon offset was a type of bbq fuel and the G8 summit was a himalayan outpost.
It would be great to see a pic of a loco coming out of a tunnel and the tunnel left choked with smoke. Also come dark horrible polluted world pics, from a day when carbon offset was a type of bbq fuel and the G8 summit was a himalayan outpost.

Exactly what I said about the pollution...but what the hell, sure...