Show off your reskins!

From what I remember, SP bi-level commuter cars were not so black, kind of had a lighter color...


Your two toned ones, those look to have the darker color you represented.


I don't think either had silver or chrome trim around the windows?

...looking around, I don't know what is the right colors:


I fondly remember they had a single red light on the back...


Could there be a way to move the two lights to a single on the back?

These look great though, more clear, too.
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Looks familiar.... :eek: lol, started this a while back, ended up shelving it when I found drawings for the car and decided to put it on my list of things to model.

Im gonna be working on the B unit and maybe a few of the skins. I'll have to see about it. :) and yes, as far as I know, it will be released.
An SP Patched C44-9. My very first re skin so its not perfect by any means!

Looks nice. The AC unit needs to be completely repainted, not just the side as to prototype. And there should be `a yellow patch over the numbers so that you can put the new numbers there. And the other bit of yellow protrudes onto the body. This looks pretty good so far, though!
Yesterday I've discovered that the D&RGW M-75 Mountain type locomotives have 3-Cylinders. Here, I've added the 3rd cylinder detail, number plate border, and the "Keep Off" lettering.

New trailing truck with white walls.

And a larger tender with 3 axles.

This pack will also include a 3-cylinder steam enginesound.