Serial number for the site taken?


New member
My name is Jordy Smeets

I used to play trainz when I was younger but uninstalled it when you had to enter a serial number for the DLC's, well needless to say this was years ago and I only now found out that the 6th line of the serial number my case missed for the site..was only to be found in the installation. Now for the record I have the Pro Train Perfect version of trainz (It's still the same trainz 2006 only with two german addons) When I found out what I didn't the last.. well apparently 10 years.. (god now I feel old..) I tried to enter the serial number but then I got message the serial number was already taken? even though I am sure I failed entering it those years ago. Now I doubt you guys can help me with it since the rules kind of forbid it, but I would like to know how this is possible.. especially since I.. well my parent bought the product before the serial number was a requirement for the DLC station. does pro train perfect have double serial numbers? or is it just not supported by Auran (despite it having its name on it)

Any explaination what could have happend over those years or what happend to the german counterparts?

Kind regards,

Jordy Smeets from the Netherlands. (near the german border, just so you know how I got it in the first place XD)
Hi Jordy,

Did you by chance use another username when you installed your TRS2007? That might explain the "serial number already taken" message.

If this is the case, contact the helpdesk via the link above the forums (it's a bit button) on the frame that says "Helpdesk" on it.

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Do you happen to know your planet-auran account name from back than?
Do you happen to know the email address you used back than?

Send a ticket with that information to the helpdesk and maybe they can help you figure out what happened.

Worst case scenario you end up having to pay a few dollar for a more recent version of the game. The old game you are talking about no longer has access to the DLS anyway.
Hm did the old version never had it? I do fondly remember having such an issue, but I still have my old mail.. or at least according to the site, but I couldn't log in even after making a new password for it. Don't have money for a new one (Yet) and since a new version of trainz is getting made I might as well wait to see what changes. the old one is fun but a few things always seemed not up to date. But I will ask them to find out what happened and in the mean time play around in the old timer and practice model making (for msts release though XD as I don't know trainz yet)

Thanks for the help guys :)
Is it possible your parents pre-registered it for you, back then? Thinking back, seems like every version I bought, required the serial number key when installing it.(or first access to the DLS). I don't know what it having been a special version(german add-ons), would do, I always bought mine direct from Auran. Except for TANE now, I got the Steam version(don't know yet if its exactly like the standard version from SimulatorCentral).
Is it possible your parents pre-registered it for you, back then? Thinking back, seems like every version I bought, required the serial number key when installing it.(or first access to the DLS). I don't know what it having been a special version(german add-ons), would do, I always bought mine direct from Auran. Except for TANE now, I got the Steam version(don't know yet if its exactly like the standard version from SimulatorCentral).
Hello jbanetman,

I guess it is the case, because apparent it has been registered in an old account of mine, A very old account. jordynator O.o that is my runescape name. problem is however it also has a mail adress that has been removed over the years probably through disuse. So now I can try to dig deep in my memory to remember what password that account had XD which considering my memory is quite difficult (there is a reason for it but it's a long story) when this however has worked out.. god stand me by.. I will remove this new made account so I can use my more used gmail address.

I will keep you guys updated upon the quest :)

Good day people :)