Selecting content on "Status" column

I was going to say you could sort by Status and then add "And Type = Train" to the filter, but I don't see "Type" being an option. Is "Category" the same thing? And if so, why did they not just call it "Type"?
Open CM and select download station, then click the arrow to the left. Go to the bottom row and click the + on the right. You should now have category showing. click on achievements and scroll down to locomotives. This will list all driveable assets. Change locomotive to rolling stock to list wagons and carriages.
Open CM and select download station, then click the arrow to the left. Go to the bottom row and click the + on the right. You should now have category showing. click on achievements and scroll down to locomotives. This will list all driveable assets. Change locomotive to rolling stock to list wagons and carriages.
Thank you, Stagecoach, but that will give you all locos, including status "Available for download, New Version Available", "Available for download, Obsolete", "Built-in", Payware", and so on, instead of just "Available for download"
Create a custom filter:
Installed = False
Category = Locomotive
Out of Date = False
Obsolete = False
Payware = False
Thank you, Stagecoach, but that will give you all locos, including status "Available for download, New Version Available", "Available for download, Obsolete", "Built-in", Payware", and so on, instead of just "Available for download"
You can then click on the + located on the right, which moves further right after you click on it, to add more things to narrow down your query.

Here's an example for searching for Locomotives on the DLS
Where it says Installed and true, click on Installed and change that to On the Download Station, the big white bar to the right will say True. You want true for the DLS.

Click +, now located way out on the right to add another thing to narrow down your search.
Change whatever is in there to Category and then fill in Locomotives by scrolling the list on the right.
Click on + again
Change whatever is in the far-left side again to Obsolete and where it says True, change that to False.
Thanks, guys, I've got it now:
Custom filter:
Installed = false
Category = Locomotive
Payware = False
Obsolete = false
Built-in = false
Out of date = false

In other words, what Peter Denhert said.

Thanks again

"Unknown Location" could be an asset, which is on the repair list of the CRG (Content Repair Group). These assets are downloadable, but normally not shown in the Content Manager.

The incompatible assets could be excluded by adding the filters
Minimum Build = x.y
where x.y depends on the maximum trainz-build (incremented by 0.1) supported by your Trainz.
