Search: Is there a way to specify beginning-of-string?


New member
Say I want to see only Locos starting with "BN" not just containing "BN". (or am I delusional wishing for a regular expression here?):o

What I really want to do is archive alphabetically...

Most appreciative for the help. ~|:-)

- chris
I change all my loco and rollingstock assets, by adding a prefix to them so they are all grouped together.
Just takes a few minutes when I download the asset.
I usually search on "BN" and than add "and not name = ...." with the strings I dont want.
Add a few of those "and not" things and you got your answer.

Or add a "region = united states" to kick out all the BN of other countries.
Search with 'BN' then sort by name and scroll to the relevant portion of the list. Select that portion, right-click and View in Main List.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing now...

Add a few of those "and not" things and you got your answer.
Heh. Try that out with 'sig'. ;-> I think you'll be surprised haw many "and not"s you'll need.

Thanks, Guys. Just a wish. when I'm archiving I feel better when every thing I want (and nothing I don't) is in one list. It's OK, ever since I figured out the right-margin mouse-drag lets you select over multiple screen-fulls (and back up when you inevitably go past the end of what you're trying to select...)
I actually prefer to have everything that has "BN" included (I hate editing Asset names. It makes things way too confusing when dealing with other people), because that way I get both the "BN F7-Clean #306" and the "EMD SD-40-2 BN #4832" and the "Auto Carrier 1970's #7482945 BN" all in one list, and I just have to troll for them. If I'm looking for "Category-Locomotives" Ill add that as a parameter or Rolling stock as well, which makes the lists fairly small anyway.
