Screenshots of European Trains


Nice shots everyone :).

Indeed. The guys here show so much very beautiful material.
I enjoy every picture, when I am here.
Not at least your extremely good screens, Erik.

Yes, I suppose it's the same locomotive (<kuid:202816:1032> author "pelikanm"), but I have added some shadings, weathering, brake hoses, and more on my locomotive.
Unfortunately I have not the slightest idea where, or if, it is still available somewhere.

picture 1 , picture 2 , picture 3

Dear Erik, many thanks for your answer.
Does anyone know the guy who made this little beauty?
It would be very kind to get it anywhere.
Why last screenshoot of pm37 ?

Friendly, Marc

Pm37 wrote in his Facebook "The case is very complicated and I do not want the public to write. Just said goodbye to train for good."

Ok, my next screens - this is my master map - next part of D29-10 + TWK ;)

