Screenshot of The Week: September 11 to September 18 2016 (Reservoir)



Riddle me this; what can be found behind behind a damn or dyke, in the woods and mountains, and under a locomotive and railcar? This week's theme is Reservoir. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.

Submission closes on September 19 at 12:00 noon UTC/GMT/Zulu time.

White River Reservoir, Crosby County, Texas.

What's behind a dam ? Life goes on as usual and then one day,... suddenly, a blast from the past appears. Two boys and a dog get to see it.


Cheers, Roy3b3
Submissions are now closed. There are 4 entries for this round so up to 1 vote is allowed. Voting will be from now until September 26, 1200nn UTC. Please post your votes below.
Eh not really. This particular topic is just hard to make screenshots for because you need a ready made reservoir for your shot. Me thinks someone had a screenshot and asked nicky to make it a topic (which you can do and is perfectly fair).

Anywho, I think my vote this week will go to outlaw. That's a great shot, always happy to support a fellow fictional rr.
My vote is:

Makes one feel like jumping into the water to cool off. Nice serene atmosphere of the environment and great capture of reflections in the water.