Screenshot of The Week: January 8 to January 15 2017 (Tank)



This humble thing is what lets your trains go the distance, stands stoutly lineside awaiting a thirsty tender, or casually level half a neighborhood. This week's theme is Tank. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.

Submission closes on January 15 at 12:00 noon UTC/GMT/Zulu time.
Lots of thirsty iron horses to have their tanks topped off at the Levi, Kentucky shops.


Tasmanian Government Railways narrow gauge (3ft 6in) Loco T223 takes water at the St Marys tank before starting the midday coal run from the Cornwall and Mt Nicholas mines to Launceston in 1955

Terriers & Brighton Belle at Brighton Works

As normal passenger traffic continues on the busy London-Brighton line, (what just has to be) the largest ever collection of the diminutive, but highly successful LBSCR Terrier Tanks (tank locomotives) as well as Pullman Cars of the sumptuous Brighton Belle are on display outside Brighton Works, where they were built.

The Terriers, made for the London, Brighton & South Coast Railway (LBSCR), had a long life going off to work, after Grouping in 1923, at several locations on the Southern Railway of which the LBSCR became one constituent. Several Terriers are now preserved.

The Brighton Belle was built by Southern Railway after the third-rail electrification of the London-Brighton line in the 1930s. A new Brighton Belle is now being reformed from various preserved Pullman cars and is expected to run (fully updated to modern EMU standards) on the London-Brighton line shortly.


On it's way to Cheyenne, Union Pacific 'Big Boy' #4006 will be in need of a top-off on coal and water upon arrival, as the engine eagerly gulps down it's supply of 25,000 gallons of water.

Submissions are now closed. There are 13 entries for this round so up to 2 votes are allowed. Voting will be from now until January 22, 1200nn UTC. Please post your votes below.
