Screenshot of The Week: December 16 to December 30 2024 (No Theme)



1. Weekly SSoTW cycles are extended to bi-weekly to allow more entries to join in.
2. There will still be occasional themed weeks but this would be reserved for major holidays and notable dates.
3. There will no longer be a voting week after submissions close.
4. You can vote for entries as soon as they're posted by "liking" them, so send your entries in early to give it a longer voting period.
5. You can "like" as many entries as you want!
6. The "likes" are tallied at the end of each cycle and results posted as usual. Any "likes" after this are not counted.
7. If you have feedback or suggestions regarding the new system, feel free to also leave them in the replies below.

There is no theme this week.
One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.

Submissions and voting close on December 30.

Voting is now closed.

22 jonwray
21 forester1
15 edh6
15 peterwise
13 pdkoester
11 kotangagirl
10 mightyena
10 pware
8 hiawathamr
6 firemanflyn
4 dmmascit
4 firefighterdan
1 g.m.