Screenshot of the Week Competition 25th July-1st August Voting

Dinorius Redundicus:
..regarding that naval screenshot, did they really have dreadnought battleships in 1855?
Ulmer94 :
...And my brother says no, they did not have dreadnoughts like that in the 1850s. Still a good shot though.

Bonjour my Friends,
I have already had the opportunity to answer has this interrogation on DREADNOUGHT(1906), PRE-DREADNOUGHT(1889) and IRONCLAD BATTLESHIP(1859) here :
( Sorry but in French language only).

« La critique est aisée, et l’art est difficile. »
"The criticism is easy(well-to-do), and the art is difficult."
Philippe Néricault Destouches (1680-1754)
I hope not to have made a mistake in the dates !!!!!!
Thai calculator different outcome votes again

The thai calculator give communist 9 and joosten 10 votes.:eek: :eek:
sorry but again the outcome is different in points not in quality they are all nice and beautiful.

Ning is correct. Joosten has 10

Ning, that was a very nice way of expressing your correction.
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Yup, I count 10 for joosten as well:

1 - Communist,
2 - BobCass,
3 - Thai1On,
4 - FSP,
5 - jmeinig,
6 - hoborailcat,
7 - Zorronov,
8 - Dinorius_Redundicus,
9 - me,
and 10 - JimDep, in that order.

But both shots were very good. ALL of them were good...:D