Screenshot of The Week: August 2 to August 9 2015 (No Theme)



There is no theme for this week. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.

Submission closes on August 10 at 12:00 noon UTC/GMT/Zulu time.

I don't understand how to post an entry -- can you direct me? Many thanks.


Your best bet is to upload to, or upload to your Google photos. The URL for the picture can be found on site after you upload. The Google one is different, just right click and find the Copy URL item. Then using the URL, post it here on the forums by clicking on the Insert Image button, a little window opens, paste in there, then ok. Then you can submit/post your message, which should put the picture on this page.
Sorry to be so technologically lame, but where is the Insert Image" button on this page? I got the picture onto Google photos and I think I have its ID (file:///C:/Users/Tom/Desktop/AF1QipO9J41vLnKTMQ89x6e2oYOt4MWc-WXNrhrAfT93.htm -- would that be it?) but I don't see the insert image button.

Many thanks
Sorry to be so technologically lame, but where is the Insert Image" button on this page? I got the picture onto Google photos and I think I have its ID (file:///C:/Users/Tom/Desktop/AF1QipO9J41vLnKTMQ89x6e2oYOt4MWc-WXNrhrAfT93.htm -- would that be it?) but I don't see the insert image button.

Many thanks

If you look at the "Smiley" button (shows a yellow smiley), go to the right, see the two globes, one with a white chain link, and another with a red X on the chain link? One more to the right is the "Insert Image", but the link has to be from the website page hosting your image, not your C:\ drive or anything on your computer, directly. Take another look.
Wow, I am bewildered. I don't see a smiley anywhere on this thread -- the screenshot of the week thread. Maybe my computer is displaying the webpage wrong, but I don't see any of the icons you mentioned. I did figure out how to get the right URL for the photo, but still at a loss how to get it posted. Thanks for your help, but I just don't see what to do.
When you go to reply, the smiley icon should be at the top of the reply window, with the Insert Image icon about 3 icons to the right.

A much easier way than fiddling around with finding icons, is to type
tags and put the image link in between.

I Fixed the Yarnish T Intersections for Ts12 and Tane; SO I better win this thing, or I won't share my fixes....LOL!!
