Screenshot of The Week: April 17 to April 24 2016 (No Theme)



There is no theme for this week. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.

Submission closes on April 24 at 12:00 noon UTC/GMT/Zulu time.

Huron and Eastern Bay City Branch


Huron And Eastern 1721 crossing the Saginaw River with a load of coal for the Consumers Power Plant in Bay City, Michigan
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A Kookaburra's view of which is best,... Steam or Diesel? Depends on your lifestyle I guess. The Lincoln Castle weaves it's way along the Murray River as the Captain and crew spot a NSW CFLC 442 Class hauling a load of logs to the mill.
Meanwhile, the unobtrusive kookaburra is ready to swoop on the left-overs near the camp-fire.


Taken from the Somerset route.
Cheers, Roy3b3
C&O J3a 4-8-4 Fast Freight (My entry)

Chesapeake and Ohio J3a 4-8-4 #613 passes over Trout Creek Bridge at a steady speed of 30mph with a fast freight which consists of gondolas, boxcars, hoppers, a single flatcar and a Southern Pacific caboose.


This image was taken on the Midwest Grain V1.2 route available from Jointed Rail.

(This might be my best screenshot so far.)