Screenshot of The Week: April 15 to April 22 2014 (No Theme)


There's my shot.
This contest is only 6 hours old and there are already a lot of really good shots! Here is my two cents worth

This contest is only 6 hours old and there are already a lot of really good shots! Here is my two cents worth


"No theme" weeks always have good turnouts.
EDIT: BTW, Nicky, I do like this "no theme" every other week idea, for the above reason. :wave:

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The Drift


An eastbound ethanol train gropes through the snow in a late snowstorm east of St. Marys, Ontario. Think he'll make it through the big drift?
Its amazing to be in the central valley even in the mist of our drought we're having over here in California. Today on Bakersfield Sub we can see the sun go down on another unusally hot day for spring. Mom's almost 100% Indian and says rains coming this summer in droves, don't know what to make of that? Any how just love modeling in Trainz, here out on a large Land O Lakes farm your next cube of butter is being made. Cheers, William