Scale of Locomotive Drawings


layout builder
Okay so I'm working on doing a 3d model of a Ohio class locomotive (Lima's 4-8-6 superpower locomotive) and I'm working off of some plans I found on Google images and one of the thing i was wondering about was what Scale are locomotive drawings done in generally since I would like to at least trace out the basic shape of the locomotive since there aren't really any locomotives of this type that ever existed.
If you guys can help that would be great.
P.S. also suggestions to where I could find any more detailed drawings would be great as some of the dimensions are a bit hard to read on the one i currently have.
One constant you will have is the rail gauge normally depicted in the front elevation. Not the gauge based on the wheel flanges, that distance is less than the gauge. Using the accurately measured width of the rail depiction you can create your own scale rule on the side of a sheet of thin card.
